Hexxat Dual class? SPOILERS

Is hexxat supposed to be dual classable? I doubt it personally since she is, well, you know and I'm not trying to be a vitalist or anything, "differently alive". but the button is active(but no dual class is selectable) and I was wondering if this was a bug or not.
As for her regeneration its given to her by her amulet. Its 1 hp/round. The amulet also protects her against charm, panic, sleep, level drain, hold, and poison.
Clara's is Ohhexam0.itm
Hexxat's is Ohhexam1.itm
Maybe you can directly do this in EEKeeper (actually never tried to dual class this way actually), but I prefer to dual class in the game, to make sure that all of the appropriate save/THAC0/proficiency/etc adjustments are applied to the character. There are plenty of things you can do in EEKeeper that won't make all the necessary updates.