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How do you flood the mines? (Spoiler)

FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
Chapter 4, the last thing you do is enter a mine and your goal is to disable it somehow. So I went in, spoke to some slaves and they said that I could get some key to a plug, allowing the mines to be flooded. I've killed everything in the Mines including Davaeorn and haven't found a key and thus can't flood the mines.

I have used TAB to see if there was anything I missed and there isn't. The game has progressed to Chapter 5 without the mines being flooded.

Also, if you choose to kill Davaeorn's assistant his assistant will mumble about some spell then simply walk away... and if you let him he will vanish as soon as he is out of view (You CAN manually engage in combat and kill him while he's doing this). Anyways, this seems like pretty odd behaviour, from the sounds of the conversation he is supposed to cast a spell that goes horribly wrong or some such.

Edit: Figured it out, I had in fact not looted his corpse. Sorry for overlooking it.


  • GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2013
    I'm pretty sure Davaevorn has the key to the riverplug. If not it's surely somewhere in his "apartment" Get the key, go talk to the slave at the plug again and the whole thing should play out on its own. Do you have a save from before killing Davaevorn?
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    I figured it out, I hadn't looted his corpse yet (I thought I did).
  • GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
    Awesome :)
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    Don't forget to free the slaves first! :)
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    You don't. Why ruin a perfectly good mine?
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