Question about the Hexxat romance
Member Posts: 1
Hey Folks, i am a Little bit confused with my Hexxats romance Status. I've done all three quests for her, romance Status is 1, but she doesnt seem to talk anymore. I just left Spellhold now, and still she refuses to say anything. Is that intended or did i miss something?
^ That should fix the issue.
Sorry! Editing post above now.
I checked the "HexxatLovetalksTimer", which was set to a ridiculous high number (~2800000). I set it to 1, but nothing happend. Then I did an area transition and the next love talk started. After this, the timer again was very high. Setting it to 1 helped. This continued for some more talks, and I'm now at 17. Now the talks are stuck again, I just can't trigger it. Setting the timer to 1 just doesn't help.
Are there other timer which take into account the real time like when the romance started?
Is there anything else I can do?
Btw I noticed that my timer never decreases automatically, no matter how long I wait or rest. Actually what does the value represent? Miliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours?
("HexxatRomanceActive" is 1 btw)
For the next talk, HexxatRomanceActive needs to be 2 (this should have been set in the last talk you got) and it needs to be daybreak (around hour 6).