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Black Pits I and II question

I assume that you can run the same party through both?

Do the PCs keep all their experience from BP1 at the start of BP2? (I assume/hope 'yes'…)

What about equipment? (I assume 'no' here, which is fine, but am curious.)



  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2013

    I assume that you can run the same party through both?

    Do the PCs keep all their experience from BP1 at the start of BP2? (I assume/hope 'yes'…)
    What about equipment? (I assume 'no' here, which is fine, but am curious.)
    You keep the equipment during the initial fight in the tavern. After you are captured, the equipment gets taken away from you.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
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