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What about an Enhanced Edition Trilogy Mod...?

DeathKnightDeathKnight Member Posts: 93
edited November 2013 in General Modding
Hey everyone, i was wondering, since both Enhanced Editions are out and modding is both supported and encouraged, whether or not we will see the equivalant of the "Trilogy Mod", anytime in the future, either as a possibility, or as a task undertaken strictly from the fandom's part...

The games seem fine as they are, but wouldn't you all like a fusion, like the one back in the day, with that epic mod? What do you say? Don't be shy, vote and drop a line or two.
  1. What about an Enhanced Edition Trilogy Mod...?149 votes
    1. Totally yes! We need a fusion of both games into one.
    2. Totally not! We do not need extra burdens, workload and new glitches and bugs to be corrected, for our dear developers!
    3. It might be good, but i wouldn't press anyone to work on/for it.
    4. It might be good, but i do not care that much, they are both fine the way they are.
    5. Will you stop the damn polls already, and go play some wow, you old geezer wow freak?


  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    I'd love to see this as a Beamdog released optional mod.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    I would like to see paid DLC that officially connects BGEE and BG2EE. Some small an hour or two adventure would be feasible.
  • MojoMojo Member Posts: 10
    I have no idea if this is actually possible, but a mod that combines the two games and allows travel between the areas of the two games would be absolutely amazing. If its not possible I'm still all for a Trilogy like mod.
  • StradlinStradlin Member Posts: 142
    edited November 2013
    I'm going to assume it approximately just as possible and doable as it was with originals.

    Fear of once more losing compatibility of few critical mods that don't yet get along with even with vanilla EE is only reason why I can't see this as a great thing.

    It is a lovely idea purely on conceptual level, though not one without a headache or two. I think it inevitably makes your story feel a little smaller if Athkattla->City of Baldur's Gate is never further than a mouse click away. Sense of otherness and things truly having moved on is difficult to have
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    I don't really see the need for a merge.
    The only thing would be to keep stats on npcs if you gave them a tome. But such small thing doesn't feel worth the job a merge requires.
  • DeltharisDeltharis Member Posts: 124
    @Mojo @Stradlin Have you played BGT before? It was some time for me, but it seems you want way more than is actually possible or was ever done. Athkattla and Baldurs Gate will not be a mouse click away, transitions like that won't be possible due to how strongly visiting those places is connected to the plot. It would theoretically be possible, but would require modding effort greater than the biggest mods available to my knowledge. And since we wouldn't have the effect of engine switching all that merge would bring would be one exe to start all games, and tome-d stats on npcs.

    I still totally want it.
  • ScuDScuD Member Posts: 112
    I want a seamless transition from BG1 to BG2 and also multiple mod support. They are still detached from one another, you even need to copy the savegame to import a character to a new BG2 game.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    The only thing I'm not liking about the transition process is the lack of continuity. That's about it though. Alot of the things we had with BGT is in there, plus we also have the new NPCs and a few extra things nudged in there. I WOULD like some extra imported items however, I really liked that with the BGT tweaks.

    Then again, there are so many magical items in BG2 perhaps my want is a bit redundant...
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Baldur's Gate 1 is very low level compared to BG2. With the enhanced editions, you probably could bring in a level 30+ character to BG1EE after leveling him up in BG2EE.

    The main thing is this: I don't see the point. A solo Sorcerer9 at the XP cap can already breeze through a lot of BG1. 2 or 3 max level characters in BG1 already destroy things quickly. Basically upping the XP cap on BG1 to 8 million doesn't seem to, overall, change things.
  • AlkaluropsAlkalurops Member Posts: 269
    Am I allowed to say that I just don't like the trilogy mod?
  • DeathKnightDeathKnight Member Posts: 93

    Am I allowed to say that I just don't like the trilogy mod?

    Sure, why not? After all, mods are made by third party people. They are neither cannon, nor bug free. For some they are greatness incarnate, for other useless junk. Every opinion is perfectly valid!

  • Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrel Member Posts: 197
    One reason why I like the BGT so much is because NPCs like Minsc, Jaheira, Imoen, Edwin and Vconia keep their stat increases after you give them tomes. Plus, you can keep Imoen a thief instead of her being forced to dual class into a mage.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Dee El Cee.
  • JazzyboyJazzyboy Member Posts: 1
    This would make the EE actually worthwhile. (Yeah, I'm one of those people who still thinks that the EE is pointless(and a little overpriced for it's age))

    I loved the concept of the Trilogy mod for the original games, but due to it's ridiculous size and the glitches, it wasn't fantastic. Now that Beamdog's done a proper port of BG1 to the BG2 engine, it'd be great if they made a stable merge.
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