Oh Dorn... /facepalm (spoilers maybe?)

So it the first game it wasn't really to hard to justify keeping Dorn around for a non-evil party. Sure he wasnt a nice person but his quest to get vengeance on the people that had wronged him worked. I could help be a part of that. But in BG2? I run into him while he's about to stage a red wedding.... A lot harder to overlook. Any other non-evil folks having t tough time RPing a good reason to have Dorn?
My characters are usually CN bards or F/Ts
My characters are usually CN bards or F/Ts
I REALLY try not to bash his skull on occasion though, i swear if the option comes to do real battle with him when he gets out of hand again, i'll skewer him. And i'm evil >_>
There are other reasons I'm aligning with him but it generally involves doing this horrible thing in order to stop a greater evil.
What shocked me was how much sluttier he is in this game. In BGEE I flirted with him and he got flustered. Now he's hitting on me. And he moved fast!
Is it confirmed that he's related to Gromnir? I thought that was a broad name...
Thank Jesus I'm not the only one holy hell man
My problem is even if your character IS evil, there's STILL a good chance you wouldn't want to help him. My current character is evil but cautious, keeps his head low. There's no way in hell he's picking up Dorn. Heck he might not even rescue Viconia because it's pretty risky.
It is VERY difficult to justify picking up Dorn, you really have to be a certain type of character (psychotic and/or reckless, etc.), and I really think Overhaul Games overlooked that. They just assumed "ooh cool shiny new character, everyone's gonna want to pick him up no matter what!" I think.