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Have we got a Pre-Purchase Counter with our Badge?

LekianLekian Member Posts: 108
Well as for today I do think we have; at least for all pre-purchases that have received the Pre-Purchase badge.

If you click on the Badge it will tell what amount of members which have already received it.

Right now we are 788 Forum members!!

Of course this only counts for people that are registered on Forum with the same email they used over on Beamdog.

They are not the full stats but still nice to know!


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I am interested in knowing if a badge is awarded to anyone with BGEE already in their hands or just to those that actually paid for it (as opposed to those that had received it as a gift). I for one can't say, even if I received a gift copy, I still gifted a copy to someone special to me, so god knows! :p
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    I haven't received a badge even though I pre-ordered and paid for it (of course). I don't know whether I've used the same mail adresses for login, though, so that might have to do with it.
  • CameronToferCameronTofer Administrator, Developer Posts: 279

    I haven't received a badge even though I pre-ordered and paid for it (of course). I don't know whether I've used the same mail adresses for login, though, so that might have to do with it.

    If you didn't use the same e-mail then we don't know how to hook you up...
  • SamielSamiel Member Posts: 156
    I think there may be some people holding out on boxed copies too!
  • Rush_that_speaksRush_that_speaks Member Posts: 36
    Hey I used the same e-mail but registered here only today. Will i still receive my badge so I can wear it proudly on my chest? ;p
  • inicjatorinicjator Member Posts: 63
    I used the same email when registering here and when I bought the game but I didn't receive my badge :(
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