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Helm of the Rock after upgrading

arondesarondes Member Posts: 12
edited November 2013 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.2.2030)
It is described as "Poison +25%", but sometimes (take it off and wear again) it actually set the resistance to 25% (I have got ring of Gaxx so should have been 100% resistant to Poison).

P.S. If I wear the helm first then the ring of Gaxx, it works. So it seems that the order you wear them matters?


  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    It appears that opcode 173, poison resistance modifier, sets the amount of resistance and will override that value from any other source rather than merely adding to it. Based on this, I think if you put the helmet on after the ring then the helmet will override the resistance. Try putting on the helmet and then the ring and check your poison resistance.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    the holy avenger did this in vanilla SoA as well ( not sure about bg2ee) where it would set your MR to 50, so everytime you would reload the game, you would have to take off your MR items and put them back on so to have your MR pass 50
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