tanking a beholder without cheese

Assume you are playing no-reload, so you cannot afford to just 'wing it' for a bad saving throw.
How can you reliably tank a beholder/elder orb WITHOUT using the Shield of Cheese or the Cloak of Cheese?
Figther/Mage -> Spell Immunity: Nec/Evo/Abj + Spell Shield + Prot. f Petrif.
(does Spell Shield stay up?)
Any other reliable methods?
How can you reliably tank a beholder/elder orb WITHOUT using the Shield of Cheese or the Cloak of Cheese?
Figther/Mage -> Spell Immunity: Nec/Evo/Abj + Spell Shield + Prot. f Petrif.
(does Spell Shield stay up?)
Any other reliable methods?
The Slayer Form sounds like loadsa fun, though. And Edwin is using the Cloak, because why the hell not, and I'm certainly not tanking with him.
Hell, some people consider the act of playing a fighter/mage cheese.
I know this isn't really an answer to your question, but there isn't really an answer to your question. Like @Taevik said, there isn't really a way of dealing with beholders that somebody somewhere isn't going to consider cheesy.
But Slayer is the best because it's immune to all that as well as imprisonment. It's practically made for ripping through the Beholder lair. It's probably by design that you get it right before the Underdark, now that I think about it.
I personally don't think that the cloak or shield are cheese, because they are items put in the game specifically to combat beholders, and even if they make the fights a cakewalk, they exist to make the fights a cakewalk.
On the other hand I consider casting cloudkill a screen away cheese, because I do not believe it is realistic for a group of enemies to be overtaken by a cloud of death gas, and rather than act, stand in it as if nothing is happening until they die.
I intend to use SCS --- AND play a no-reload game. So, I need a reliable strategy.
Why should you hold back?
@Tgramul It should work vs the first Anti-Magic Ray. Just load up something that isn't your no-reload game, console in a beholder and find out.
Edit: Just did this myself since it had been a while and I was curious. I made a C/M and buffed with Death Ward, Chaotic Commands and Spell Shield. I spawned "behold01" who used 3/4 anti-magic rays which did not bring down my Spell Shield (or my other buffs). My other buffs remained so the only thing he had left was Cause Serious Wounds (which I could've blocked but it wasn't worth it) so he went down rather easy.
I've used the cloak.
I've used the shield.
I've used Polymorph Self: Mustard Jelly
I've used Spell Immunity: Nec/Evo/Abj + Spell Shield + Prot. f Petrif.
I've used Tank and Power Word, Reload.
The last one is obviously not usable.
I wonder if it is a bug or intentional that Spell Shield does not go down after an anti-magic ray from a beholder.
Because, what you say essentially implies that a mage (+cleric buff, if needed) can beholder-proof himself consistently.
(And, no, this isn't cheese. Not more than using "Chaotic Commands" against Sirines: you use a heavy amount of exactly configured spell protections & you likely cannot afford that for more than 1 party member.)
You treat them to an afternoon tea, a biscuit and some witty conversation.
And then you persuade them to give you what they are guarding...as we all know they don't HAVE to guard the insides of the chest, just the chest.
And it would be impolite to act violently about it, would it?
Killing Beholders...phew!
I swear...the adventurers these days.
Soon, they will muse plans on how to kill poor friendly Illithids.
Edit: Proof of the impossiblities: I have no clue of if this works every time or not. Check out the text boxes.
MMMMMM Cheeeesee.
With SCS, the other biggest problem is how fast ANY magic protection is removed by their anti-magic ray.