Dual-Class HP Special Case Error CON Bonus Not Applied

Level 9 Cleric (Priest of Talos in this case) with 16 CON dual-classed to Mage. Upon advancing to level 10, the character should gain 1d4+2 hit points (so 6 at Normal difficulty). Instead, the character only gains 4 hit points. I suspect that the CON bonus is not being applied, either because the game mistakenly believes that CON bonuses are only granted for the first nine levels (which is not the case for Mage/Sorc/Thief/Bard) or because the game mistakenly believes that this character is only supposed to get a CON bonus for the first nine levels due to being a Cleric (which is not the case, because the CON bonus in question would be being granted for a Mage level).
Assuming this error is restricted to this specific situation (dual-class at 9 from a 9HD class into a 10HD class), it is not very serious because affected characters will never be more than 2 hp short of their intended total. If this can be fixed easily, however, then it should be because on higher difficulties characters will not be getting max hps at each level and every hp counts when the monsters are hitting for extra damage.
Assuming this error is restricted to this specific situation (dual-class at 9 from a 9HD class into a 10HD class), it is not very serious because affected characters will never be more than 2 hp short of their intended total. If this can be fixed easily, however, then it should be because on higher difficulties characters will not be getting max hps at each level and every hp counts when the monsters are hitting for extra damage.
Multiclass characters will still have their straight hit point additions divided by 2 for every level up, so fighter/mage will get either 1 or 2, depending upon whether the game rounds up or down (I am uncertain which one it uses), not counting constitution bonus (which also gets divided, I think). I would expect a fighter/mage of sufficiently high level and 17 constitution to receive 2 hit point at every level-up, regardless of which class is leveling.
In either case, the point here is not so much how the incorrect amount of additional hit points is being calculated, but rather the fact that the amount of additional hit points is incorrect.