Dorn after the tree (definite spoilers)

Can someone spell out what the effects of Dorn losing his blackguard status are? He doesn't become a fighter, right? He still has blackguard limitations but without the benefits?
Also, I'd have to figure whatever future content there is for him (even if it's not till ToB) takes into account the possibility of him giving up having a patron, but does anyone know for certain? Having to miss some stuff to see other stuff is the nature of the game, but I don't want to give up a story thread for nothing.
Also, I'd have to figure whatever future content there is for him (even if it's not till ToB) takes into account the possibility of him giving up having a patron, but does anyone know for certain? Having to miss some stuff to see other stuff is the nature of the game, but I don't want to give up a story thread for nothing.
I don't think there's any more content until ToB, but I don't know what the difference is between the choices.