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Potion cases in shadows of Amm

Can you get a potion case in BG2 now, or do you still have to wait until you're in throne of Bhaal for that?


  • alaundoalaundo Member Posts: 131
    Seems there is one sold from the vendor in watchers Keep which you can Access before TOB.
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  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Didn't the 'witch' in the Bridges District sell one? (I can't recall her name; she hung out near the 'abandoned house' and sold potions.)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    The reason I refer to her as a 'witch' is that I recall a child in the Bridge district referring to her as such (this happens if you question him as part of the murder investigation).
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