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Mazzy's Honour Still Demands Satisfaction

recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
Hey guys, I'm just wondering if yet another bug has arisen with this mini-quest upon the launch of BG2EE? I have entered the Copper Coronet, and Mazzy has signalled to Surly that she has a meeting to duel with Gorf the Squisher. Surly has directed her to speak to Bunkin, but Bunkin seems not to exist, or at least to have a botched spawn, for I cannot find her anyway. Does anyone know what I can do?


  • HoreToreHoreTore Member Posts: 7
    I just encountered this as well, tried to speaking to the three involved(surly, the girlfriend and the alchemist) as well as resting a lot, but still no Gorf...

    Then I thought "oh well, I'll continue with life" and went to the sewers to get Lilarcor. Lo and behold, Gorf was standing in the room where you find the hand! I had Mazzy talk to him and she did her "let's fight" dialogue, but no fight was initiated.

    No idea what's going on.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    :( I'd really like to get it done: I hate loose ends, and every bugged and therefore unfinished quest in my journal pains me so lol
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Without being perpetually irritating to the community and the developers, is there any short-term solution to this while we await it being dealt with via a patch? I don't suppose CLUAConsole works with the EE's, does it? If so, how can it be found?
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    This quest has ALWAYS been one of the easiest to glitch or break all the way back to vanilla. It doesn't surprise me that there are new/old problems with it in BG2EE.
  • HeliasHelias Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2013
    Bunkin not appearing has something to do with Yoshimo not being in the Copper Coronet. What i did:
    - go back outside
    -spawn Yoshimo - CreateCreature("Yoshi7")
    - take Yoshimo in the party
    - go back inside

    Suddenly Festule, Bunkin and (after talking to Bunkin) Gorf were there.
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    Looks like if you SetGlobal("GorfBystander","GLOBAL",3) then that will spawn Bunkin and Festule in AR0406 (copper coronet).

    Might be a glitch in the Surly dlg that is causing this. This was a vanilla problem, but I thought that fixpack stuff fixed this. I am hesitant to actually call it a bug yet, I see that Gorf only appears during a certain time period in the day and don't remember enough about it. @CamDawg ? Do you know anything about this behavior?
  • HeliasHelias Member Posts: 112
    Here's what a smart man posted already 11 years ago:

    "Look, I suspect that there is a script bug with Gorf appearing in Copper Coronet.

    This is the critical part of the script (AR0406.BCS):
    RESPONSE #100

    RESPONSE #100

    RESPONSE #100

    RESPONSE #100
    ENDI'm not sure if I'm right about this, but the CC script tries to destroy Yoshimo if he is not in the party - and because there will be a case where Yoshimo is not present inside CC, the whole part with spawning Gorf and others will fail because the safety plugs in engine will discard the script from running past the command:

    Since the SPfixpack won't be updated soon, I can only ask you to script the CC script yourself and replace the topmost block in upper code with this:
    RESPONSE #100
    ENDThat should work."

    That's where I got the idea of spawning Yoshimo. It was too much of a coincidence that both Yoshimo and Bunkin were missing in the same part of the same area. Anyway, it worked for me. I'm curious if it works for people who had the exact same problem.
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  • DelicoseDelicose Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2014
    @SionIV pointed out in another post that placing everyone in the party near Bunkin before CHARNAME speaks to her seems to solve this problem. However, if you've spoken to her already and no longer have a save from before speaking with her, such as Auto-Save, you can try using the CLUAConsole.

    Here's what I did to fix it:

    1. If you still have it open, save your game and quit BG2:EE.
    2. Search your computer for the Baldur.ini file for your Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition.
    3. Open file in a text editor (i.e. Notepad)
    4. Find where it says:

    INSERT INTO options ROWS (
    5. Right after that, insert :

    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
    6. Save and quit.

    7. Reopen game and have your party is inside the Copper Coronet. Be sure to have your party stand away from the pit area to make sure that Gorf doesn't spawn inside it.
    8. Ctrl-Space to open CLUAConsole.
    9. In the field that opened, type:

    Your new copy of Gorf SHOULD spawn near your party and SHOULD initiate the lead up to fighting in the pit with Mazzy.

    Where is Gorf most likely at?
    One place is the back rooms. Going there may cause you to make choices where you can no longer finish the pit fight.
    Another place, apparently, is the sewers attached to the Copper Coronet. If he is there, it is impossible to finish the pit fight since he is in the wrong zone.

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited April 2014
    Mazzy's honor is not something you can offer. Offer or honor, she's a Halfling not a racehorse.
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