Rasaad's romance...

... is adorable
Sometimes hilariously awkwardly adorable and cute fuzzy feelings all around, which was exactly what I was hoping for.
I'm still only on chapter 3, but I just wanted to give kudos to the writers on that
(plus I haven't seen any threads on the topic yet so I'm making one. So there.)

The way he emotionally anchored himself to charname doesn't seem very healthy, I'm kind of nervous it might lead to a tragic ending in ToB :P
I'm still only on chapter 3, but I just wanted to give kudos to the writers on that

How did you manage to force the last lovetalk before the final battle? I am having the same problem where the last talk isn't firing. I am still stuck in a dialogue loop with Rasaad upon resting (his Saradush talk). I have tried resetting his global timer to 1, tried advancing real time, and nothing is working. Any suggestions? I don't want to miss it
Checking where you're at is:
to set it it's:
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("RasaadTOBLoveTalks","Global", 6)
One higher from whatever it was before should trigger the next(last?) talk.
Thanks for that, it worked a treat