*SPOILERS* Rasaad Romance / Questline confusion

So, my character was starting a romance with Rasaad, and I got up to the cute conversation where he tells you about Calimport and offers to bring you there some day. Then, I did Rasaad's whole SoA questline with the heretics, and Alorgoth got away (as I'm pretty sure he is supposed to), and Rasaad stayed in the party and was all 'I'm sad he got away but thanks for being all supportive,' but I haven't gotten anymore romance dialogues and I can't figure out why. Is it because something went wrong in the quest, or is it just one of those things where once you reach a certain point something specific has to happen to trigger another conversation...or is the LoveTalk timer just really effing slow?? Help...spoilers definitely wanted!
the next bit would be
but like I said my order may be off :X I don't know if not meeting the requirements for one convo, like not being in the right place, will cause it to skip to another?
Also @Strands_of_Red: yeah I'm at Brynnlaw now too, and I have literally loitered outside the tavern for hours just waiting to see if Rasaad said anything but he hasn't
As long as you don't plainly tell him to take a hike in the meanest way possible, you're probably still fine. He can take a bit of teasing :P
If you're worried about accidentally ending it you can always use the console command to check the romance status:
If it returns a 1 or a 2 you're fine. If it's 3 it's off.
I think there are at least 3 conversations between the one that changes the variable to 2 and the one right before the endfight with Irenicus. If you didn't get those three than I imagine the ToB dialog might not make much sense?
The very last romance dialog was bugged for me and never triggered without me forcing it with the console though
Both of those you can get pre-Spellhold. There's also a couple conversations that I got in the labyrinth under Spellhold but I was resting a ton cause I had no potions so I don't know if those would have triggered elsewhere.