Post-Patch Bugginess- Lost All Wilderness Map Areas, Reset Some Athkatla Areas

This is an oddity that just occurred as I had a game crash earlier tonight as I transitioned out of the sewers, I restarted the game and found a patch waiting for me. I loaded the update, and then started back right in Chapter 3 at the autosave where I exited before, only to find that the Unseeing Eye-Watcher Oisig convo started all over again. When I exited the Temple district, I found that the Bridge and Gate areas were 'blue' again, as if never having been visited; in addition ALL my wilderness were gone from the overland map. I tried going to the Gate area and exiting from there, but none of the wilderness areas were available or restored. This looks like a pretty unplayable bug from this point, and I'm gonna be kind of ticked if I have to start ALL over again from Ch 1? Anyone else have something similar to this happen post-patch?
The patch fixed a memory leak that was causing such crashes.