Hexxat's Class and some spoiler questions

SO I'm just playing as normal, and come to find that Hexxat is a HELL of a lot deeper than I thought she was going to be when I first recruited her. Now that I see her for who she truly is, does anyone think it'd be interesting, or useful to Dual her to a fighter? Or would this be detrimental to her as a whole?
One could argue though that she should be able to dual-class if she was a human before becoming a vampire.
Supposedly subraces like aasimars or tieflings are not in the game because of balance reasons, as Dee said, but an NPC like Hexxat with her known stats and abilities is fine? o_O
Also, does Hexxat
Also you can mod your Charname to be a tiefling if you want, though you will need to manually add their abilities and attribute bonuses/reductions. My current Charname is one, and everything in the game as displayed properly for her. That said, it could probably screw up the older race-restricted romances.
Her very good stats also mean very little, because she is a pure thief. Yes, she has a good AC and can backstab pretty well, yet she still has the THAC0 and HP progression of a thief. I found her quite squishy and only used her to use bows and to find and disarm traps.
As long as she isn't dual classed, she can't make use of her great stats. Why should she? Or rather, why should any CHARNAME accept? You're playing as a demigod already.
As for why accepting, why not? Some people are obsessed with it, although this type wouldn't work very well.
1) Her stats are OP, this is rectified by the cloak and the day. However, inside houses or dungeons, and during the night she can roam free. That means that you can just travel or do things at night, and rest till it's night every time, as for dungeons you don't have a problem anyway.
2) The NPCs she excludes are good, or tend to good anyway, and since she is evil, for people playing an evil party, it doesn't matter if she excludes anyone.
I understand people want to try her out no matter what party they run, but a
I don't see those as drawbacks really, i can work fine with them. She is a bit exaggerated. Maybe more than a bit.
The end result is a bit like it's own kit: A character with a thief's bad combat abilities but massive stats to make up for them, without any special kit abilities but with vampric abilities and max thieving ability progression to make up for it. She's powerful, but doesn't break the game.
Also, her starting proficiencies are pretty bad. She can use lots of bad weapon types. It wasn't until level 20 that I got her wielding the equipment I wanted for her (Short bow and main-hand Katana while dual-wielding).
I find it hard to believe an Aasimar is more OP than Hexxat because of racial attributes.
And now i will stop derailing the thread.
Sorry Xav ;x
I still have the choice to dual her right now, but I kind of refuse to because it IS a bug, and we shouldn't be allowed to do it. In a normal non broken game we wouldn't be allowed to so I decided not to.
I think it's awesome that we get an undead character to play though. I remember a different thread where I thought we should be able to play a Lich from the twisted rune
She also refuses to equip anti-undead weapons
In terms of roleplay i am starting to get bored that no one recognize or at least feel strange near her, paladins, priests... damn, she enter the Lathander temple normally without any problem!!
Well, yes, i'm displeased with Hexxat, she can be a different vampire, instead of Valen's copy, that alright, but the way it is now isn't the best.