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Neera does not turn up at the gates of the hidden village

DafojkDafojk Member Posts: 111
So I don't have Neera in my party (Edwin will go bonkers and leave if i accept her) however she did say she would meet me at the village anyways, but she is not there. Only some grumpy guy telling me to turn around.

I have the lastest patch installed. From the patch notes I read this should have been fixed?


  • DafojkDafojk Member Posts: 111
    Anyone know if this is working as intended?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited November 2013
    The fix may not work on an existing save file (I'm just guessing).

    You may be able to use the console to summon her.

    C:CreateCreature("Neera10") will summon Neera at level 10.

    (save beforehand)
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    What's the latest word on this? I'm on a solo run but I do want to access the enclave shop, though I don't want to have anyone in my party more than necessary. Do I have to pick up Neera when I get to Wild Forest or can I get into the Hidden Refuge without her?
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