Voice actors from the original games

Before I start, no this is not such a topic where I want to persuade people to have them back in the EE. Sure it would be nice, but stay with me here for a second.
Recently (as in 5 minutes ago) I released an episode of my Let's Play Shadows of Amn, where I struggle recreating Lehtinan's voice when the voice actor isn't talking. And I say it again - I STRUGGLE like crazy.
I decided to take a look then to the cast of voice actors Baldur's Gate had. Now, Lehtinan wasn't that much of a big role in Shadows of Amn, usually a character that lasts 30 minutes at best. But apparently, his voice actor is Billy West... the guy that voices Fry in Futurama among other works.
Now look at the other names of voice actors. Some might not be known directly, but if you make a more extensive research, you'll find that about 95% of them has one helluva curriculum. Either now, or also back then.
It really is insane, even more so when I think of the voice talents in nowadays AAA titles... none can actually compare to the variety the Baldur's Gate games had. (am not saying that nowadays games have bad voice acting, FAR from it)
Truly, I have no idea how far BioWare went back when they made the Baldur's Gate series, with such a cast of extraordinary actors, deep story writing and an engaging world.
My question is - what are the odds that Overhaul games could be able to cast such talented voice actors back in the enhanced editions? Maybe at a certain degree it could be possible, but wouldn't it be expensive like crazy? I mean, I believe it would be asking too much from them. They are already doing a LOT for us gamers, and we should really show our appreciation instead of criticizing
Recently (as in 5 minutes ago) I released an episode of my Let's Play Shadows of Amn, where I struggle recreating Lehtinan's voice when the voice actor isn't talking. And I say it again - I STRUGGLE like crazy.
I decided to take a look then to the cast of voice actors Baldur's Gate had. Now, Lehtinan wasn't that much of a big role in Shadows of Amn, usually a character that lasts 30 minutes at best. But apparently, his voice actor is Billy West... the guy that voices Fry in Futurama among other works.
Now look at the other names of voice actors. Some might not be known directly, but if you make a more extensive research, you'll find that about 95% of them has one helluva curriculum. Either now, or also back then.
It really is insane, even more so when I think of the voice talents in nowadays AAA titles... none can actually compare to the variety the Baldur's Gate games had. (am not saying that nowadays games have bad voice acting, FAR from it)
Truly, I have no idea how far BioWare went back when they made the Baldur's Gate series, with such a cast of extraordinary actors, deep story writing and an engaging world.
My question is - what are the odds that Overhaul games could be able to cast such talented voice actors back in the enhanced editions? Maybe at a certain degree it could be possible, but wouldn't it be expensive like crazy? I mean, I believe it would be asking too much from them. They are already doing a LOT for us gamers, and we should really show our appreciation instead of criticizing

So, yeah, they're established, expensive, union actors. Honestly, I'd be a little surprised if Beamhaul's budget would support hiring that tier of actor.
Jim Cummings and Kevin Michael Richardson
The lady that played Viconia was Mandy in the Grim Adventures, I thought that was pretty cool since the show gives some d&d related shout outs
Mind = blown.
and Xan was also Prowl from transformers Animated, which is cool
It's really a LONG LONG list
He also summons freaking Cthulu in one of his movies, how badass is that?!
It's obviously Irenicus and his story pre-SoA XD
As far as I understood it, at the time these voice actors were fairly unknown. Somebody just did an exceptional job of picking them out. Hopefully they can pick another great set of voice actors for at least BG3. The new characters could be all text for all I care, just hoping they keep their eyes on the prize
1. Joneleth Irenicus.
2. Sarevok
3. The Narrator.
There can be only one of each.
Edit: Even though I prefer to run with my own party, it sure would be odd not hearing Minsc as himself anymore.
Baldur's Gate: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0167018/
Baldur's Gate - Tales of the Sword Coast : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0196361/
Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0224637/
Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0282366/
edit: lol, after i posted, i saw the video of jim cummings, and then looked at kkromone's post, and wow, i was hearing right. I usually can't tell who does a voice, but seriously, loved darkwing growing up, and loved minsc, just never put the two together.