How to choose a good male companion to romance? Anomen vs Rasaad

I am not a newcomer to BG2, but this playthrough I am going to play a good aligned female romancing a male. This gives me Anomen (good path) and Rasaad as options.
Can you help me to choose?
You could say that I should just pick the one I prefer, but character and story development are often not linear and I would really love some suggestions about what should I expect from one and the other romance as the playthrough progresses.
How would you describe them respectively? Predictable, cute, passionate, deep, courteous, devote, etc.? What was your personal experience with them and what did you like/dislike in their respective romances?
I am not looking for full spoilers, rather hints of what the writing is going to offer in one case or the other, which are the main differences and similarities, to what extent they are compatible and when I will have to choose...
Thank you in advance for you kind help!
Can you help me to choose?
You could say that I should just pick the one I prefer, but character and story development are often not linear and I would really love some suggestions about what should I expect from one and the other romance as the playthrough progresses.
How would you describe them respectively? Predictable, cute, passionate, deep, courteous, devote, etc.? What was your personal experience with them and what did you like/dislike in their respective romances?
I am not looking for full spoilers, rather hints of what the writing is going to offer in one case or the other, which are the main differences and similarities, to what extent they are compatible and when I will have to choose...
Thank you in advance for you kind help!

1. His lack of respect for the PC (of the "you're just a girl!" variety)
2. His personality can, at best, be described as abrasive.
3. His quest is rigged in such a way that there's no satisfactory conclusion - whatever decision you make at the end will have the opposite result.
It didn't go on for very long until I had to pick one fairly early on.
No really, Rasaad is an awesome character imo, but Anomen, although problematic, is more deep than he seems at start.
He's like a real life person that has complexes and his past haunting him. He has a problem with his ego too. But compared to other characters, he might feel more "real", exactly because of those problems.
Pick Rasaad.
I haven't played through Rasaad's romance yet, as I am still 'experimenting' with Hexxat, but from what I recall of his interactions in BGEE, he's pretty thoughtful and seems to care what philosophical and ethical paths that CHARNAME embraces. I'm going to try him after I finish with this saved-game.
There are lots of some frustrations with the dialogue, especially the earlier exchanges, as the only way to keep the romance alive is to reply with the most innocuous responses, which just don't seem right for a Charname who doesn't take any crap elsewhere in her life, I feel it's a shame you can't answer him in a way that shows him you're not altogether happy with his attitude without it being a deal breaker. It's also possible to reply with what you think is a pretty innocent reply only to have him chuck a hissy-fit and end things; this happened during my latest playthrough, as it happened it didn't matter as I'm running another romance mod but it would be annoying otherwise. But as @DMC said, as the romance progresses his attitude changes and it becomes really rewarding, quite aside from the small matter of him being a hugely useful NPC.
There are also some loose ends with his personal quest that don't make much sense in terms of what has gone before but all in all it's ultimately worthwhile.
If others want to add other hints, particularly about the less well known Rasaad romance, feel free to go on. I am certainly still reading this thread and I guess others are in my same position...
Rasaad is... well... Rasaad. He's definitely not a jerk, and is probably the nicest "vengeful bound" character you'll ever see. Don't know about his romance, though.
Anomen probably has more depth than any other companion in the series, but it takes a while for him to become likeable. He comes across as the most realistic person in the game. The only other character close to him in terms of depth and development is Jaheira. Even before his development, he's still a decent guy at heart. I always found him interesting, but some people dislike having to deal with the jerk so long.
I'd recommend him over Rasaad since he's just a more interesting character. The fact that he's very powerful from the outset and doesn't need to be a high level to be extremely effective certainly helps. However, Rasaad's isn't bad and I'd recommend trying him out too.
Ahh, why are you bothering to post? This doesn't feel quite like your right forum. How about we move along, and get back onto the actual topic.