Very amused (Neera and Anomen spoilers)

I have been seeing some dialogue that has nearly made my eyes pop out in both amusement and disbelief, and has also caused the odd snort of laughter. I decided to post this to let the devs know that I appreciate the new material.
So... In this vanilla run, my PC is romancing Rasaad. Anomen, apparently being the randy goat that he (now) is, has decided to court Neera with some very dirty suggestions (Ano, I never knew you had it in you!!). Today, he wanted to be a 'roebuck' to Neera's deer, and make her pant in the grass. 0_o Best of all, she decided to, ahh, get with him after all!
So... In this vanilla run, my PC is romancing Rasaad. Anomen, apparently being the randy goat that he (now) is, has decided to court Neera with some very dirty suggestions (Ano, I never knew you had it in you!!). Today, he wanted to be a 'roebuck' to Neera's deer, and make her pant in the grass. 0_o Best of all, she decided to, ahh, get with him after all!

If that romance conflict occurs, it should make for some very entertaining viewing. Let's see how determined Anomen actually is.
It *did* take me by surprise, I'll give you that. In this playthrough, it simply confirmed to me that my PC had made the right choice in Rasaad, and not Anomen. My PC never did believe he had true feelings for her, she was simply 'there'. Well, as it turns out, he is one very lusty knight, and he'll get it where he can.
I knew my habit of taking screenshots of funny convos would be useful
Might be Haer'dalis/Aerie drama v2. I think interfering would just serve to end the romance if it hasn't progressed deep already. Neera seems afraid of commitment, so she might just like the opportunity to emphasize her freedom.
I think you're right...Neera didn't seem terribly upset at the idea of an, ahem, casual encounter, it was just that it was Anomen! I booted Anomen from the party before Spellhold, so I don't know if there was a final talk/break up between them.
Lol!! Yep, that's one of them alright. I wish I had a screenshot of the deer dialogue...I nearly fell out of my seat!
Neera: You know, every time you call me that, I imagine myself with antlers.
Anomen: Then as your roebuck, I will chase you, Deer Lady, and make you pant in the soft grass.
Neera: What? You want pants made of soft grass? This is getting so weird, Anomen.
You have to read all of them though it gets really hilarious in the end. XD
Neera: WHAT?!
Anomen: I have courted you a long while, and you have resisted my best efforts. Now I invoke the privilege of an earnest lover, the naturally yielding nature of woman, and the equally natural dauntlessness of man. How can I fail with such powers behind me? The time has come. Let me enjoy the sugar upon your lips.
Neera: Bloody hells. If it'll give me some peace and quiet, I'll give you what you're asking for.
Anomen: Truly?
Neera: Yes. All you had to do was be a little bold. I like my men manly, I guess, or whatever it is you were being. I'll come to you when no one's looking.
Neera: Here you go.
Anomen: What's this?!
Neera: I was resistant at first, I'll admit, but once you brought it up, I couldn't stop fantasizing!
Anomen: You! But I...
Neera: Do you want me to tell you what I imagined first? Shortbread biscuits with strawberry preserves! I know, I know. Not that creative but so delicious! Then I thought about glazed pears, mincemeat pies, puddings, gingerbread...
Anomen: But this sack! It's...”
Neera: Yes! A pound of sugar from Waukeen's Promenade. As promised. Get cooking!
Jaheira: Anomen! I am almost embarrassed to request marzipan; it is so excessively sweet. But I do like it.
Imoen: Heya, Anomen! Taffy is good! Plain old taffy.
Aerie: Does liking shortbread seem too obvious, Anomen? Because I do! It seems hard to make... Good luck!
Viconia: I hate sweets, but hmm. Candied violets with anise seeds are not bad. Make me some, human.
Mazzy: I would be no halfling if I didn't like cakes of all sorts. Bake me a seed cake, Anomen, and I swear I will be your stalwart sister-in-arms.
Nalia: Oh, Anomen! I'd love some sweet spiced wine. Our cellars were full of wine from the Vilhon Reach that our cooks would make into the most delicious concoctions...
Hexxat: Lean in, Anomen. Blood and sugar are surprisingly complementary.
Is that supposed to be real? Did you reload and swap party members around to get all those responses? Datamining? MAGIC?!
That is absolutely hilarious! Pure gold. I almost wish I had kept him in the party just to see that dialogue, but fortunately we have you to show us!
Neera: What's what?
Anomen: You are staring.
Neera: Uh, I don't think so.
Anomen: It is no great surprise. I have oft wondered why your eyes had not strayed further previously.
Neera: You really want to do this? Fine...
Neera: Oh yes, great knight, take me! Here, now, in front of everyone! I am powerless to resist you!
Anomen: I... what?
Neera: I've denied it all this time, but you're right, so right! Oh, how I've longed for your manly touch!
Anomen (if Neera is romanced): But you and...
Neera (if Neera is romanced): He means nothing to me! Nothing compares, nothing compares... to you.
Anomen (if Anomen is romanced): My heart is < CHARNAME >'s, elf.
Neera (if Anomen is romanced): It's not your heart I'm after.
Anomen (if none of them is romanced): Quiet, woman! Cease this ridiculous...
Neera (if none of them is romanced): We should shout our love from the treetops and stamp it onto the faces of our enemies!
Neera (if none of them is romanced): How do you stamp love onto the face of an enemy? I don't know, but, darling Anomen, we WILL find a way!
Anomen: We will do no such thing!
Neera: But, darling, we must be together forever! Our hearts eternally entwined, never to be parted.
Anomen: You are mad! Get away from me, elf, and stay away!
Neera: Sounds like a plan.
Hah hah! Sounds like Anomen got outsmarted, but not before he and Neera got what they, ah, wanted from each other. I'd love to know if there was any additional dialogue between these two, and how it varies if charname is male.
Anomen and Neera never actually *do* get together (as far as I know?), as the attraction is all on Anomen's side.
I never felt like it was actually was meant to have gone anywere
And charname cant say nothing? LOL what a wimp
Lol, I love the tiny bit of uncertainty in your post. Are you *quite* sure that Neera didn't give in for just a moment? After all, she likes her men 'manly', and Ano is, despite all his faults, physically impressive.
Soren: *Grabs a Leather Glove, and slaps Anomen across the face with it.* I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!
*Everyone watching making the O_O face, meanwhile Anomen stands there with his mouth gaping open, completely speechless.*
. . . Yeah, I got nothing else after that, Anomen probably would go cowering into his corner or something. *shrug*
Lol! And at that point, with Ano's mouth wide open, that's when Neera steps up and puts a sugar cube in his mouth!
Sounds like my charname is a lot more patient than yours, though I have to admit that she *did* want to slap him during his 'courting lovetalks' (seriously Ano, is that how you court women, the way you 'courted' Neera)?
You know what? That would have been awesome, but then Ano comes back from his sugar haze, and he goes into a frenzy because Neera is putting sugar onto charname's lips, and then it is all over
Hah hah, it's the only conclusion that can be drawn - Neera + sugar ='s sweetening charname's heart