Hexxat quest in Throne of Bhaal(Spoilers)
I just got the Casque of Imprisonment and went to the labyrinth with Hexxat in order to subdue the lich. I got to the part where there is a room that has a necrotic barrier, so Hexxat is the only one that can pass through the room. At this point however I am stuck because it seems no matter what I do, I can't open any of the doors to progress further into the maze, all the doors are locked and can't be opened by picking them and I haven't seen a key or anything along those lines. Am I missing something here or did I get bugged?
Edit: nevermind, door FINALLY showed up. I fail.
Any hints or just a clear explanation of how the process works? I feel like I could figure it out, except the rules are never clearly explained.
I initially couldn't get those open until I killed the mage surrounded by spiders. It's possible I did something else in the interim to make them open, but I'm not sure what it would have been.
How do you do that? Like I said, when I killed the mage with the spiders it happened, but I'm not sure if that was the actual trigger. I don't recall the exact order in which I did things, so it could possibly be shutting off the necrotic barrier as well, or something else I'm not thinking of. Sorry I can't be of more help on that point, but I was as surprised as anyone when I wandered over and they had suddenly opened up.
Edit: just found it.
So either I am missing something, or my game is bugged.
I believe this is a bug bg2ee is full of them and this one reeks of ill testing, sorry to be a nerd rager on the whole I like the project hence I am playing it but this one ticked me off. Either that or I have found it just an incredibly frustrating part of the game that I have not enjoyed at all to the point of it being game breakingly bad.
What's REALLY funny is when they claim that they "tested this stuff thoroughly," and yet on my very first casual playthrough, I manage to find missing or invalid reply links, break the entire sequence of conversation triggers, and spawn multiple copies of the same boss. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's just bullshitting us.
I also just ended up consoling my way through it.
hope U can find it now
Help an evil friend in need...