BGII:EE Wanted features

I play BGII:EE a lot, so I enter and exit the game many times. It is beginning to annoy me all the "next" buttons I have to click to be able to play. (Why do I have to see the screen with info about the new NPC's every time I have to play???). I therefore suggest a feature which allows me to "quick load" as soon as I see the startup screen.
I play BGII:EE a lot, so I enter and exit the game many times. It is beginning to annoy me all the "next" buttons I have to click to be able to play. (Why do I have to see the screen with info about the new NPC's every time I have to play???). I therefore suggest a feature which allows me to "quick load" as soon as I see the startup screen.
Also subraces questionmark?
And minor thing... They should fix the issue with picking up items from the new "list" featured in the 1.2 patch. When I pick up stuff like healing potions the system puts them into separate slots instead of stacking them. Slightly annoying.
Secondly improve Ranger HLA tracking skill by making it a default skill (not HLA) and additionally increase the usefulness best suited, for eg: Tracking skill can spot even hidden thieves at certain level, can see through walls and detect good or evil instantly, etc
And now an important one::
1. Introduce a radial on right-clicking a character (Any one who played Temple of Elemental Evil should get the point
2. Introduce more Interiors like beautiful structures to rest, visit or explore and save goodies just like a stronghold but we have more places than one stronghold. Also we can direct a party member to leave and stay in such places than usual options to add more variety. There are many other interesting ideas to make use of it.
3. More life to athkatla and other areas by making people move, walk around, follow day to day routines, more dialogues among themselves, more peds and anything that can add in more immersion.
4. Improve pathfinding of the AI
5. Still enemies don't run away when useless in battle or their morale is dropped way too low. They just circle around and stand like a fool rather straightaway run without holding up. They should call for assistance or return with support and make surprise attacks. Yes I know these occurrences happen but are too rare or specific to certain low level monsters/humans. By making morale system uniform and more tight in scripting the effects on lowering them we could have some interesting variety. Of course this should affect party members as well.
There is More but To be continued later .....
Pls no.
I like the zoom in feature. i find the game almost unplayable if you don't have the zoom in all the sprites are so darn small
It's just that I am used to playing in 800x600 resolution for so many years it makes no difference to me. The default resolution with no zoom is the best experience except for new players but if you try it you will get the best old school feel.
1. Pixelation of ground areas is almost next to none on BG2:EE. In GOG even on 32 bit mode it looked dull and bland.
2. In GOG for some reason 3D acceleration causes crash on certain spell effects which till now hasn't been an issue with BG2:EE
3. Certain new features, contents and flexibility with mods (albeit still not complete) has aroused my interest for BG2 to play it again with enhanced mode.
And lastly, the default resolution in BG2:EE looks sweet and much clean colourful as I always wanted to see just like TOEE
Its so beautiful now. Loving it.
Get rid of the day/night transition video. It isn't appropriate for a lot of areas e.g. the sun is setting on Trademeet when you are in Athkatla. Ideally replace it with a slow light transition - I know this is a lot harder than it sounds but would really make the game more immersive.
Have different videos for the different quality of bedrooms in inns. These are just a few.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE what Overhaul are doing but they have a loooong way to go before it's really a polished rendition of the classic.
I loved that feature.
So I go back to my original request, @Kaxon.
Not that anyone should ever add content about Minsc. He's barely endurable as it is.