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New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC Final Conclusion (Add a new DLC NPC or not?)

DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
The winners are:

1. Lawful Neutral Female Dwarfen Barbarian with a romance
2. Chaotic Neutral Male Halfling Bard with a romance
3. Neutral Female Elven Cleric without romance

According to the voting results in this polls:


1. Barbarian
2. Bard
3. Cleric


1. Dwarf
2. Halfling
3. Elf


1. Lawful Neutral
2. Chaotic Neutral
3. Neutral


1. Female (With romance)
2. Male (With romance)
3. Female (No romance)

Or you can shuffle the 3 most popular poll options a bit and make them, lets say more logical.
Just an example!
1. Neutral Female Halfling Barbarian
2. Lawful Neutral Male Dwarfen Cleric
3. Chaotic Neutral Female Elven Bard
Or whatever you want.

So the final poll is about, do you actually want to see SUCH (one of three) a New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC according to the fans voting results? Or are there enough NPCs already in the game, please no more NPCs?
Since Overhaul/Beamdog declare themselves as they are doing everything for fans and about fans, so if there would be a chance to make a DLC or simply add a new NPC, like for example Baeloth was unexpectedly added to the first game, would you like to see ONE of SUCH NPCs in BG2EE as a DLC or whatever, according to this poll results?
What do you think? Please vote and comment.

Some thoughts.
4 things are clear:
1. Fans find more interesting to play with a romancable NPC (65%)
2. Fans want to see more Neutral alignet NPCs (57%)
3. Fans want to see more shorties (Dwarf and Halfling) in the game (38%)
4. Fans want to see a Barbarian class in the game (27%) - logical enough.

And according to this poll
Neera and Dorn are fans favourites. (25% and 22%)
Even Baeloth (Easter Egg NPC) is as popular as the new BG2EE NPC Hexxat. (11% and 14%)
Rasaad is still very unpopular, even after BG2EE was released. (6%)

Actually it's a very helpfull information for the devs, I think.

And just for fun write in comments for what poll option you have voted in each poll about the New NPC?
For example my votes are:
Ranger / Elf / Neutral Evil / Female (With romance)
  1. New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC Final Conclusion (Add a new DLC NPC or not?)93 votes
    1. YES. I want such a NPC.
    2. NO. I don't want such a NPC.


  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    No doubt. Lady dwarf ftw! Bard or barbarian or whatever.
  • AkihikoAkihiko Member Posts: 213
    I think (hope, at least) that it's less that few people like Rasaad, as much as he's just not most people's favorite. IF we could actually do a poll that wouldn't devolve into bickering about the least liked character, I don't think Rasaad would be the most voted.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    I definitely like the idea of a non-evil barbarian NPC, that way you can get an NPC with rage immunities who isn't evil and won't clash with your good chars (unlike Korgan) - although the idea of a "lawful barbarian" seems a bit incongruous.

    I would still like to see even more thieves (single, multi, or dual) added to BG2:EE. The vanilla game suffers so much from a lack of quality thieves, that even the addition of one just isn't enough - especially an evil-aligned one that could cause issues with a good-aligned party.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Also, why would anyone vote "No" to DLC? If you don't want it, you don't have to download it.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598

    Also, why would anyone vote "No" to DLC? If you don't want it, you don't have to download it.

    Some people here realy want to see new game content or new areas, new items and quests rather than a new NPC.
    Or some people want to see Clara as a NPC.
    They can vote "NO" or even don't vote at all.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    The more the merrier.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    Akihiko said:

    I think (hope, at least) that it's less that few people like Rasaad, as much as he's just not most people's favorite. IF we could actually do a poll that wouldn't devolve into bickering about the least liked character, I don't think Rasaad would be the most voted.

    Feel free to make such a poll.
  • BaxyrattyBaxyratty Member Posts: 190
    I wouldn't mind seeing a new npc or two as dlc, but i'd like to see a reworked monk and blackguard stronghold first.
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    I wouldn't terribly mind another NPC. Honestly, class and race aren't hugely important, I just like me some variety. If you don't like them, you can always just take all their clothes and send them to punch Mind Flayers!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited November 2013
    deleted for dumbness
    Post edited by booinyoureyes on
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Hahaha obviously she'd have to be romanceable.
  • FablewyndFablewynd Member Posts: 79
    If it's a (well written) bard, you have my money already.

    Hell, you have it anyway, whatever it is, but a bard would give you it with increased gusto.
  • EmmiEmmi Member Posts: 77
    I would want either Clara or something like a female elven bard/ranger either chaotic neutral/neutral evil/chaotic good with a romance option for females or both sexes.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I'd like more NPCs but those combos sound boring to me :(

    I guess a LN Female Dwarf Barbarian would be okay as the "token minority" just so we can stop talking about the lack of female dwarves/barbarians/etc. I'm sure the focus will shift to a different underrepresented combo though.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    nano said:

    I'd like more NPCs but those combos sound boring to me :(

    I guess a LN Female Dwarf Barbarian would be okay as the "token minority" just so we can stop talking about the lack of female dwarves/barbarians/etc. I'm sure the focus will shift to a different underrepresented combo though.

    I count Shar-Teel as a barbarian. I changed her class in Tutu + BG1 NPC Project
  • AdiaAdia Member Posts: 6
    I'm vaguely interested in the CN halfling (as any romance/character that isn't good or the most common races [human/elf/half-elf] is always interesting). But I'd rather have DLC *content* than more new characters. There are heaps of NPC mods, and while their is a lack on the evil side, I'd rather see quests and adventures added to the game than more NPCs.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    you guys do know if there is a new NPC you don't *have* to use him
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    BG2 needs more NPCs as it is. I like utilizing them all at different times. A female dwarf would be an interesting shift, considering no such thing exists... in terms of available NPCs
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    Always moarrrrr NPCs! MOARRRRRRRRRRR!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632

    nano said:

    I'd like more NPCs but those combos sound boring to me :(

    I guess a LN Female Dwarf Barbarian would be okay as the "token minority" just so we can stop talking about the lack of female dwarves/barbarians/etc. I'm sure the focus will shift to a different underrepresented combo though.

    I count Shar-Teel as a barbarian. I changed her class in Tutu + BG1 NPC Project
    Minsc is kind of a barbarian too.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I'm with @Adia, new content would be preferable as it's accessible to everyone without switching your party around. It's relatively easy for modders to make new NPCs but making an entirely new adventure is something only Beamdog really has the resources for.

    you guys do know if there is a new NPC you don't *have* to use him

    If there is a new NPC I would rather have one that I like and I'm not really excited about these options.
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    edited November 2013
    Not interested in Dwarfs and Halflings nor in a new NPC without romance.

    I voted Witch (new Kit) / Tiefling / Neutral / Female (with romance)
    Something like.. THIS *^_^*
    Post edited by Kurumi on
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Just to point out that Barbarians can't be Lawful, but other than that - absolutely.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited November 2013
    nano said:

    you guys do know if there is a new NPC you don't *have* to use him

    If there is a new NPC I would rather have one that I like and I'm not really excited about these options.
    oooh, i didn't know they were asking only out of those four options. That changes things.
    Kurumi said:

    Not interested in Dwarfs and Halflings nor in a new NPC without romance.

    I voted Witch (new Kit) / Tiefling / Neutral / Female (with romance)

    I like this idea.
  • AcridSyphilisAcridSyphilis Member Posts: 129
    those are the most righteous sideburns i've ever seen a lady pull off
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    nano said:

    I guess a LN Female Dwarf Barbarian would be okay as the "token minority" just so we can stop talking about the lack of female dwarves/barbarians/etc. I'm sure the focus will shift to a different underrepresented combo though.

    She is the chosen one. The minority to end all minorities : )
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I would like to see something else before DLCs, thought.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747

    I'm all set for a Barbarian dwarven lass. As long as she will have a sexy beard, that is. :P


    This is all wrong! That's the pic I used for the skald! I want that NPC though. And the Barbarian.
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