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Valygar... spear?

I know spears are awesome... I guess, whatever, but WHY would a stalker have proficiency in it like REALLY? lmao, I was laughing so hard when I saw this and was just wondering who thought in their right minds that this was a good idea


  • DisgruntlerDisgruntler Member Posts: 100
    RP reasons. Spears are required for hunting boars and bears.
  • TsyrithTsyrith Member Posts: 180
    Hi, Ixil's Spike would like a word with you.

    (for clarity's sake, when I say "Ixil's Spike", I really mean a smiling half-orc blackguard, and by "a word", I really mean a reasoned and cultured discussion on the flaws and merits of polearms, how and where it is best to utilise them, and why you haven't kept up your subscription with Spears Monthly; we really think you should resubscribe, we value our readership, unlike that Scimitars Twice Quarterly)

    But no, I understand that the problem is you don't get anything above +2 until go deeper than chapter 3, which is unfortunate. Literally the only other option is Ixil's Nail +4 and by then you've used effective +3 or better weapons to chop your way through some demons. Unlike those quarterstaves, those things just rain from the heavens with +3 or better variants all over the place.

    There seems to be literally no reason to use one over say the Staff of the Ram if the only virtue you're comparing is damage. The free-action on the +6 version can be good to those who aren't religious haste users, and it's quite good to combine with Dorn's mask to round out his immunities and make him fairly reliable for removing paralysis/fears and what have you.

    It's a real shame that the speed of the Paws of the Cheetah are so diligently squished by free-action, so that in sacrificing the APR bonus from haste I still have a blackguard with decent engagement-time. Also, in SCSII the enemies have learnt how to ambulate themselves around the battlefield more, and I've found you need some kind of movement bonus to effectively deal with that, and a spear that pins people to the spot would have helped.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Funny, when I was playing today I ditched the dagger in Valygar's second hand to equip him with The Impaler. He does exceptional damage with it, and when backstabbing he can ruin arcane spellcasters. In the long run, having Celestial Fury and an off-hand that has another idiosyncratic benefit pays off better than the couple of extra points of damage you get from using The Impaler. Still.. Just thought it was funny that this came up today. :)
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    Spears are very ranger-y.

    I don't think you can even backstab with a spear, can you?
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    @nano Sorry that's my poor phrasing. Rather, when he stealths and comes up behind mages, he can reliably whack out about 30HPs, and could certainly do more with a str-boosting item.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    @recklessheart Ah, gotcha.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Too bad spears can't backstab. The impaler would be great for that :)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    nano said:

    Spears are very ranger-y.

    Stalker are "Urban Rangers" though
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Anomen talked him into it one night when Valygar was in his cups at the CC by showing him his own character sheet with two pips in spear!
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    well it's not about the damage, it was more about the backstab. Spear is very woodsy, but at the same time it's also not practical for a stalker who is a backstaber. I would love the utilize the profficiency if i wasn't so busy trying to hide in shadows and ruin pplz lives
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Xavioria said:

    well it's not about the damage, it was more about the backstab. Spear is very woodsy, but at the same time it's also not practical for a stalker who is a backstaber. I would love the utilize the profficiency if i wasn't so busy trying to hide in shadows and ruin pplz lives

    Well he is a ranger that's a stalker not a thief so it makes sense that not every weapon he is familiar with is a thief weapon

  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    edited November 2013

    nano said:

    Spears are very ranger-y.

    Stalker are "Urban Rangers" though
    What's that supposed to mean?

    Hm, maybe he thought it'd make him a hit with the ladies.
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    edited November 2013

    Stalkers are Rangers that are just as comfortable in a city as they are in the wilderness. A direct quote from the Ranger's Handbook: "Stalkers become proficient only with weapons they can easily conceal." A spear is generally not considered a weapon that can easily be concealed, but then again neither is a Katana. So really MOST of Valygar's pips are really atypical for a PNP stalker.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632


    Stalkers are Rangers that are just as comfortable in a city as they are in the wilderness. A direct quote from the Ranger's Handbook: "Stalkers become proficient only with weapons they can easily conceal." A spear is generally not considered a weapon that can easily be concealed, but then again neither is a Katana. So really MOST of Valygar's pips are really atypical for a PNP stalker.

    Apparently he skimmed over that part of the handbook... though if you think about it, stealth is just as important in the wilderness as in the city. I guess stalkers are less awkward around civilization than their beastmaster brethren.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Whenever I consider stalkers I always think about Daredevil from Marvel. He even has the dual-wield down.
  • AkihikoAkihiko Member Posts: 213
    Sooooo, I had my party members standing in place doing nothing for a while, and they started their idling banters. Well, Valygar's says "Hmm... Standing around, Standing around. I feel as if I'm in the military again." So, given the knowledge that he's a former soldier, maybe his spear training is from those days?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    If only this were 3.5 or Pathfinder. He could backstab with it. Can you IMAGINE backstabbing stuff with Impaler?
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Maybe he's just overcompensating? He won't even speak to Viconia about the prospect of sex. I call that man's bluff, friends.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    If you edit Impaler to be normally usable by thieves he probably could backstab with it.
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