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Can Gauth do this?

A question just out of curiosity:
I am doing the quest with the unseeing eye and i encountered 3 gauths in the lower dungeons wich suprised and defeated me quite quickly. On my second attempt i tried the spell Emotion"Hopelessness" and it said there were all three unconcious and sure enough they were all lying on the ground. But when i tried to get near them they all start firing there beams at me,even thought still unconcious.

So i am pretty sure i had some playtroutgh with the old BG2 but since its some years ago i could not remember if Gauths could do this or if maybe this is some kind of a bug?


  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 638
    There's a whole load of problems concerning beholders/gauths right now.

    Half the time they will shoot their rays in some random (up and to the left?) direction, not even targeting you. Effectively making themselves to be fish in a barrel.

    What you describe sounds like another weird issue with their rays
  • AmardarialAmardarial Member Posts: 270
    or they fire through walls, across maps, etc
  • Big_MurrayBig_Murray Member Posts: 69
    Gauths seem much tougher in the Enhanced Edition than I remember them. Their spamming of Cause Serious Wounds, Hold and Chain Lightning caused me some problems. Had to Free Action and Protect from Lightning my PC and Dorn just to allow them to survive long enough to get in and whack them to death. And even then the CSWs did me in a few times.

    Don't remember them being that tough in the original.
  • MermidionMermidion Member Posts: 69
    Yeah they seem to be alot tougher to me too.
    Still the "firing beams even if it is unconcious" thing is still strange to me, so i guess thats not normal?. Would have made thinks alot easier if i could put them down with an emotion spell.
    oh well Some fireballs and a hasted Dorn/Korgan combination did also work.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    The way beholders were implemented in BG was horrendously prone to mishaps and bugs. I don't think that's something Overhaul can fix without taking a concentrated look at the beasties.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Same with umberhulks, they stand up, cast their confusion / chaos thing, then fall back down while under emotion hopelessness.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 638
    narcoleptic gauths and umberhulks then >.<
  • althoralthor Member Posts: 67
    Use the beholder shield from the shopkeeper in the upper area of Adventurer's Mart.
    Makes all the beholders easy.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    It's a problem with their scripts.
  • MermidionMermidion Member Posts: 69
    althor said:

    Use the beholder shield from the shopkeeper in the upper area of Adventurer's Mart.
    Makes all the beholders easy.

    Yeah but i heard that the shield is quiet buggy itself and not protecting 100%.
    Oh well,so far i killed any gauth and beholder with some tactic and luck.

  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2013
    Mermidion said:

    althor said:

    Use the beholder shield from the shopkeeper in the upper area of Adventurer's Mart.
    Makes all the beholders easy.

    Yeah but i heard that the shield is quiet buggy itself and not protecting 100%.
    Oh well,so far i killed any gauth and beholder with some tactic and luck.

    It will protect you (or at least it did) that problem is with reflection, sometimes it will just absorb. There are other itmes/spells though. :)
  • KoyoteKoyote Member Posts: 89
    Web doesn't work either. I webbed those same 3 and they still shot my party to death.
  • menelausmenelaus Member Posts: 5
    use chaos (next lv spell). they stop using skills and go melee. Quick load spam until you chaos all 3.
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2013
    In original BG2 you could use Spell Shield, or Cloak of Mirroring, although it wont save you from anti-magic rays. There are other solutions as well.
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    Though my experience with BG2 (pre-EE) is limited, I too think the Gauth are a lot harder than they were before, even with their randomly shooting at (0,0) and other such issues :D They've surprised and slaughtered me on numerous occasions :)
  • MermidionMermidion Member Posts: 69
    Interesting new fact i just tested in the underdark. while Gauth still fire there beams while unconcious ,Beholder do not.This making the Emotion spell atleast useful against them.

    Also i think that this is proof that the Unconcious Gauth firing -thing is indeed a bug and maybe should be fixed in a future Patch.
  • KastianKastian Member Posts: 30
    @Althor @Mermidion i have never had a problem whilst using the shield of balduran, however what some people have often complained about is that beholders and gauth can still kill them easily, i would note that i usually have a plethora of buffs and protective spells on my shield bearing tank, thus protecting myself from their magics, even any cast not of the eye-ray variety, and as such always have found these particular enemies to be cake walking (possibly considered cheesing by some players, but in my opinion its just using an item intended for fighting a particular monster to its fullest). Anyway with that in mind i would suggest the shield to anyone having problems killing these enemies.

    Also in general, unconscious eye-ray's sound like a bug to me.
  • TheWeaverTheWeaver Member Posts: 2
    As it happens I had been playing the non-EE version of BG2 not too long ago. It seems pretty clear that the Gauth are *much* tougher in the EE version. They seem to hit faster and harder. I've also experienced the "firing when unconscious" behavior and that's also specific to the EE version. I'd say it was a bug, but maybe they wanted these things to be deadly.
  • TheWeaverTheWeaver Member Posts: 2
    BTW -- thanks for the tip about chaos. Greater Malison + Chaos == 3 dead Gauth
  • TsyrithTsyrith Member Posts: 180
    Spell-immunity: Necromancy helps with the Gauth specifically (though, they also cast slow), it pays to scout a bit. For their bigger brethren though, it helps to have one person act as the patsy for the initial anti-magic payload and then bolt, hopefully someone with naturally good saves, if you just crowd around them then there's a fairly good chance of at least one person biting it.
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2013
    TheWeaver said:

    As it happens I had been playing the non-EE version of BG2 not too long ago. It seems pretty clear that the Gauth are *much* tougher in the EE version. They seem to hit faster and harder. I've also experienced the "firing when unconscious" behavior and that's also specific to the EE version. I'd say it was a bug, but maybe they wanted these things to be deadly.

    Yeah, Gauth seemed way, way, way more dangerous to me in BG2:EE than in BG2
    There must be something fishy
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Aranthys said:

    TheWeaver said:

    As it happens I had been playing the non-EE version of BG2 not too long ago. It seems pretty clear that the Gauth are *much* tougher in the EE version. They seem to hit faster and harder. I've also experienced the "firing when unconscious" behavior and that's also specific to the EE version. I'd say it was a bug, but maybe they wanted these things to be deadly.

    Yeah, Gauth seemed way, way, way more dangerous to me in BG2:EE than in BG2
    There must be something fishy
    No, the only Aboleth in BG2 is a non-combatant.
  • CheryChocieCheryChocie Member Posts: 47
    Beholders and Gauths are generally just arseholes, being able to fire off 3+ beams per round that either annoy you severely by making you heal afterwards or just flat out obliterate you. The easiest way to deal with them I find is to invisibility with a mage, scout them out and then kill them with Cloud Kills offscreen. Since my main is a Wild Mage, when I did the Beholder Cult in the Temple District, I simply Wild Surged Incendiary Clouds on them while they can't see me. Totally cowardly but seriously, I'd rather fight Demi Liches.
  • jukagajukaga Member Posts: 49
    I just buy the shield of Balduran to avoid the eye tyrant fights. They annoyed me to no end back in 2001.
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