Can Gauth do this?

A question just out of curiosity:
I am doing the quest with the unseeing eye and i encountered 3 gauths in the lower dungeons wich suprised and defeated me quite quickly. On my second attempt i tried the spell Emotion"Hopelessness" and it said there were all three unconcious and sure enough they were all lying on the ground. But when i tried to get near them they all start firing there beams at me,even thought still unconcious.
So i am pretty sure i had some playtroutgh with the old BG2 but since its some years ago i could not remember if Gauths could do this or if maybe this is some kind of a bug?
I am doing the quest with the unseeing eye and i encountered 3 gauths in the lower dungeons wich suprised and defeated me quite quickly. On my second attempt i tried the spell Emotion"Hopelessness" and it said there were all three unconcious and sure enough they were all lying on the ground. But when i tried to get near them they all start firing there beams at me,even thought still unconcious.
So i am pretty sure i had some playtroutgh with the old BG2 but since its some years ago i could not remember if Gauths could do this or if maybe this is some kind of a bug?
Half the time they will shoot their rays in some random (up and to the left?) direction, not even targeting you. Effectively making themselves to be fish in a barrel.
What you describe sounds like another weird issue with their rays
Don't remember them being that tough in the original.
Still the "firing beams even if it is unconcious" thing is still strange to me, so i guess thats not normal?. Would have made thinks alot easier if i could put them down with an emotion spell.
oh well Some fireballs and a hasted Dorn/Korgan combination did also work.
Makes all the beholders easy.
Oh well,so far i killed any gauth and beholder with some tactic and luck.
Also i think that this is proof that the Unconcious Gauth firing -thing is indeed a bug and maybe should be fixed in a future Patch.
Also in general, unconscious eye-ray's sound like a bug to me.
There must be something fishy