Info on Dorn's and Hexxat's quests needed (possible spoilers)

I'm currently running a Kensai/Mage, Minsc, Jaheira, Hexxat, Viconia and Korgan, thinking about dropping Jaheira for Dorn, so i was wondering are his quests evil, will i lose any rep for doing any of them? How about Hexxat's? What do they mean by the "ultimate prize" or whatever phrasing they used in the Hexxat's ToB questline description, what happens in ToB with her? Also, is it just me or NPCs are now leveling each time you rehire them? I took Yoshimo back after dropping him right after Irenicus dungeon and he's my level now, my mage level that is, but still, i don't think there was enough exp in that dungeon for him to be that level... Thanks!
Dorn's quests are evil, and you will or can (unsure) lose rep for doing them.
Hexxat's quests do not cause you to lose rep.