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TOB Hexxat Mission Bug or ?

jkwhitedogjkwhitedog Member Posts: 10
So I was about to finish the Hexxat mission in TOB, the first time I chose to let the Lich restore Hexxat's humanity, but after the lich is killed all my team member just stand there and there's nothing I can do.
Then I reloaded the game and chose to kill the lich directly but still,after that all the team members just stand there and I can't even control them, is this some kind of bug or did I do something wrong?


  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Wait a little while; the party should be teleported out not long after. If you wait ~3 minutes and that's not happening, let me know.
  • jkwhitedogjkwhitedog Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for the reply, I tried again today and my members were teleported this time! I don't what's the hell was going on yesterday, but thanks for helping me out .
  • Davy_JonesDavy_Jones Member Posts: 11
    Yeah... and then what? Now I'm in my planar place and cannot get the hell out of it! I rested for a dozen times but nothing happens! How should this continue?
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @Davy_Jones So you're stuck in the Pocket Plane? What happens when you click the exit?
  • Davy_JonesDavy_Jones Member Posts: 11
    I remain in the pocket plane!
  • rachellespenrachellespen Member Posts: 3
    I am having this same problem. Tired reloading from several previous saves, nothing changes. They look as if they are teleporting out, the screen goes black, then they just stand around and I have no available controls.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited May 2014
    @LiamEsler @Davy_Jones‌

    I have the same issue. Just popped up, I imagine I'll solve with MoveTo. Regardless, here is a save file where it occurred:

    Seems to be caused by utilizing PP while in Korkoran's tomb, then killing korkoran and being teleported out. The scripted teleport post killing K dumped me in the PP.
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