Keeping your reputation below 20?

I've got Hexxat in my party. I wouldn't want to lose her. Is there any reasonably sane way of keeping my reputation from reaching 20? Doing the quests will almost inevitably raise it all the way, and I wouldn't want that to happen.
No mods, please. Also, I don't want to start slaughtering random orphans in the slums, for instance. Taking Dorn or Viconia into my group is also not an option. Is there anything left?
No mods, please. Also, I don't want to start slaughtering random orphans in the slums, for instance. Taking Dorn or Viconia into my group is also not an option. Is there anything left?
It adds a bard who, for a hefty sum of gold, will spread stories about how dangerous your character is, thus decreasing your reputation without you actually doing anything villainous.
I think its a great idea, and the fee makes it have a real trade-off rather than make it feel like a "cheat"
I can't explain why though... Good catch! I think it was a bit easier in baldur's gate I. like that silly dryad in the forest with her tree. is it really evil to defend two dimwitted lumberjacks trying to cut down a tree from a person who would attack them? I mean dude... its a tree... in a forest.
Ah yes.. and of course after Spellhold it's pretty simple.. a 'certain' transformation will give you neg. rep. every time..
turn into the slayer
I've sometimes had evil characters in my party before, but because one of them was always Viconia, my reputation never went above 18. I thought that was a funny (and nice) detail: once you take the drow into your party, you lose 2 reputation points in a unique way: your reputation maximum becomes 18. At least that's how I remember it, from way back, when I traveled with Viconia.
No need for Viccy this time, I'm the main cleric myself.
I don't really remember that many ways in BG2 to actually DROP your reputation... Other than turning into the Slayer and while in the Underdark in the drow city if you want to watch slaves getting killed off that costs some reputation too...
Does this mean that Viconia will never leave the party due to high repuation?
As far as I know, yes. My memory may be faulty, though.
If you have 20 rep, Vic will join and drop your rep down to 18, but that isn't max.
As soon as you get another +1 rep, you go up to 19 and Viconia bails.
That is the reason you want to keep your rep below 19. Dorn drops your rep as well.
I get my rep to 18, then go kill an innocent locked inside a house. Drops my rep down to 10. That gives me plenty of room to build it back up without breaking 18.
Back 7-8 years ago, I knew several (non-violent) ways to drop rep. Unfortunately over the years of not playing, I have forgotten.
From chapter 4 onwards, become the Slayer for a -2 to reputation per time.
In Ust Natha, go to the second floor of the tavern and pay to watch slaves getting killed for 100gp and -1 to reputation each time.
Generally I think that the concept of companions leaving the party due to low/high reputation is one of BGs few weaknesses. Imho it's oversimplified.
Think I will help myself with the Keeper if I run into this problem.
Yes, romance does not stop her from leaving.
There is a mod called the Virtue Mod which changes how reputation works but I don't know if it has been ported to the Enhanced Editions.