Can't memorise 'Freedom' spell in EE?!

Oh, come on!
This is ridiculous! You could memorise it with no trouble in the original! Whose idea was it to make it a spell you can't memorise?!
This is ridiculous! You could memorise it with no trouble in the original! Whose idea was it to make it a spell you can't memorise?!
And if they do, I find it highly suspicious.
I'm seriously beginning to question the quality of this version. I expect some kind of resistance to my feelings on the matter, but you might as well shelve them. It's bad enough that Beamdog gave us poor extra content.
in vanilla BG2. And you're telling me that this version is inferior because they fixed a bug? Good logic.
It not like it's a game breaker!
No, it's not a game breaker, which also is why some are wondering why you're getting worked up about it. Just drink potions of genius to scribe level 9 spells to your spellbook.
Sorry, but we fix bugs regardless if it is beneficial or detrimental.
In the original you could even bypass the spell count limit in those cases.
Bug? Yes. Fixed? Yes.
Nevertheless it was much more convenient and player friendly (I suspect the original developers did leave it intentionally this way).
Now, that it has been fixed nothing has changed but the need to drink potions.
This just adds some more somewhat tedious work.
If one is really strict, there should also be a limit to clerical spells depending on the Wisdom score. But this would screw some NPCs really up
Speaking of bugs, and as I stare at my trusty AD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook... Where are my 7 languages for having 18 int?? eh?? It seems that every race I run into I cannot speak their language
Some might be missing, but all those presented are fine.