BGII: EE XP Cap remover

Can someone please confirm if these files that worked with BG:EE also work for BGII:EE
I would like a confirmation before I screw something up by "trying it" first.
I would like a confirmation before I screw something up by "trying it" first.
You open the table, edit it, and save the tweaked version in the game's Override folder.
Also, I'm not really sure, but doesn't the Tweak Pack have a cap removal option? I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere, both for extending the XP and un-unerfing thac0 and spell slot progression for casting classes.
Here, v7.4b -->edit-->tables-->load (startare.2da/startbp.2da/xpcap.2da).
the initial xp limit (and what to modify if more wanted) seems to be clear enough; 8 000 000. (v1.2.2030).
That's one of the rare DLTCEP area that seems to be simple enough, without any 'unknown ressources' or such..i guess that would work like for the BG1EE modified 3 files in the override folder.. and voilà. ^
PS; Hm..apparently the most recent 'DLTCEP' versions (for BGxEE) are here;
I thought I'd just be able to gain levels indefinitely, even if just worth 3 HP, 1 lore, a HLA and 1/3 proficiencies
I'm about to use this to remove the cap from my game because I've somehow come close to the cap in a 6 man SOA run... My only single class characters are Neera, Hexxat and Viconia though so the others are at no risk of hitting level 40 any time soon... I think Neera and Imoen wouldn't anyway since Wizards have a hard time gaining levels later on... However, I hope they don't roll back to level -1 haha...
So the infinite XP mod only helps with multiclass/duel class characters. So you could, for example, have a f/c/m with 8 million xp for each class with the unlimited xp mod without game going buggy for a total of 24mil xp.
So in short, the unlimited xp mod is really only helpful for multi or duel classes whose xp is normally capped by a combined 8 million
You would need to write new tables for anything over level 40 in a class. Or is it level 50? I don't use the cap remover, so I'm going off of what I remember reading elsewhere.
so you can either be a lvl 41 mage, or a lvl 41 mage/41fighter/41 thief multiclass
also, not sure, but I think max may have been 8 mil exp+ one more level. So for a mage it would be like lvl 37 or smth is max while for a thief it'd be lvl like 41
I'll just have to remember at a certain point that clicking that level up button is a BAD idea on those guys.
basically my observations are that pure clerics and druids have several levels where they dont gain anything aside from hp so probably the best idea is to duel class or multiclass if you want a cleric or druid because after about 5-6 million xp they dont really gain anything (aside from better lvl modifier on spells I guess and 1 hp per level).
And I wish I had known sooner, but a paladin seems to be able to summon devas/planetars or whatever, multiple times a day, as an HLA ability, whereas a barbarian cannot and I assume so cant a fighter. I'd say this is what makes a ranger/paladin better than fighters/barbs
playing black pits really gave alot of insight about stuff i didnt know before. I highly recommend it
Would it be much work to just extend the current tables by a gazillion levels at say 500k exp intervals that keep granting the same stuff?
I don't think it'd be terribly complicated - as you say, not too much goes on for 20 some-odd levels before that. As far as the actual editing work, I imagine you could just replicate what comes before to continue the progression ad infinitum. I couldn't begin to tell you how to go about it though. My programming knowledge, if you can call it that, is strictly SQL-related, naught else.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition\Data\00783\override
Keep in mind the base game does not support leveling beyond level 41.