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Hell trials in BG2EE

SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
Didn't get there myself yet, but I was wondering, if someone could share with us whether the rewards, bonuses and alignment changes from the hell trials are the same as in vanilia BG2?


  • As far as I can tell, the bonuses have not changed. I took the Good path for each, and got the same bonuses as before. I took the Evil path for Wrath once just to check it out, and it changed me from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil (and gave the same bonus as vanilla), so I think they may have fine-tuned the alignment switch. I think it used to be all-or-nothing to Neutral Evil if you took an evil path.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I should note that there used to be a bonus +1 Core Stat you got from going to the dark side on the Wrath trial, which they have removed (I think there was sufficient evidence that it was a bug). Other than that the only major change is, like Cyteen said
    the alignment switch seems to have been adjusted so that you just switch to Evil but keep your Law/Chaos axis, rather than just becoming NE.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    edited November 2013
    But making any of the evil choices will irrevocably make your alignment shift to evil, even if it's just 1 of the 5? Is it a specific trial that will turn you evil if you take it?
  • AFAIK, choosing the evil path for any trial will shift you from good or neutral to evil. Cause you're being evil.
  • AcridSyphilisAcridSyphilis Member Posts: 129
    yep. Just doing one will change your alignment when you head into Throne of Bhaal. My chaotic neutral mage/thief became chaotic evil after going the evil route for the selfish test. I chose the good routes the other times.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    These trials are killing me. I find it kind of unfair that as a good or neutral character you basically have no choice. Funniest thing is that not all the "evil" choices are actually that bad in my opinion. My CN main would definetly get an alignment change at the Fear test, and maybe even at Wrath.
  • WayniacWayniac Member Posts: 132
    This is probably the most consistently agreed upon issue for BG2. The problem is that if you are true neutral or chaotic neutral, for example, it doesn't even make sense that you would always pick only the good choice, yet in order for you to keep your alignment, you must. And do you become good for doing so? Nope. Yet somehow, you become evil for making one evil choice, which is just plain silly to me if you're already neutral.

    I understand that Beamdog wasn't supposed to change existing content, but is there no way that an exception could be made for this? Or was there no way that permission could be granted to change only the hell trial alignment change? It doesn't make sense logically. It doesn't make sense if you are roleplaying. It doesn't make sense period. IMO, this should have been considered a bug.
  • Wayniac said:

    This is probably the most consistently agreed upon issue for BG2. The problem is that if you are true neutral or chaotic neutral, for example, it doesn't even make sense that you would always pick only the good choice, yet in order for you to keep your alignment, you must. And do you become good for doing so? Nope. Yet somehow, you become evil for making one evil choice, which is just plain silly to me if you're already neutral.

    I understand that Beamdog wasn't supposed to change existing content, but is there no way that an exception could be made for this? Or was there no way that permission could be granted to change only the hell trial alignment change? It doesn't make sense logically. It doesn't make sense if you are roleplaying. It doesn't make sense period. IMO, this should have been considered a bug.

    From everything I've read about the Enhanced Editions, there are some crazy contractual limitations involved. What you have to realize is that those contracts were not written by gamers, or even game designers. They were written by lawyers, who in all likelihood have never played a video game in their lives. Their job is to protect their clients, giving away the least possible number of concessions in return for the highest gain. This is going to be especially true for monolithic companies like Atari. I've worked at very large corporations, and every time I had to deal with a company lawyer, I literally had to tell them what the product in question WAS before we could get started.

    I believe that the folks working on the EEs are doing as much as they can within the limitations imposed on them. These people, like us, love these games.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    I really wish that it could actually be changed that if you do 1 evil action you become neutral, and if you do more then you are evil. at least give us a chance to have a choice.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    @Cyteen - My lawyer plays video games. But I take your point regardless.
  • ThubbThubb Member Posts: 8
    The hell trials never made much sense in the original game , seeing as you cant remain neutral. I always play with revised hell trial component from questpack :
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Revised Hell trials isn't ready for 2EE yet, though, is it?

    It does make the experience much better, though.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405

    Revised Hell trials isn't ready for 2EE yet, though, is it?

    Exactly what I would like to know too. Or if it's going to be eventually or if anyone is working on it.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,002
    plus you guys need to remember that bg2 came out before ToB, so the hell trials was the end game result, and its supposed to make it feel more of you shouldn't give in to your evil side sorta deal so they wanted to give it some penalty, in reality it doesn't really matter ( unless you are a paladin because some of the evil ones make you fallen and some of them don't) and plus a lot of the evil ones are way better than the good ones ( for melee characters at least) so I think its justifiable for what happens there, but im more power gamer than role player, so that's another reason why it doesn't bother me that much, and it sucks to hear that you don't get the +1 to your prime stat in the wrath trail any more, what a pity
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    If you are chaotic good and take an evil option do you end up at chaotic evil or neutral evil?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    They seem to have fixed it, so you should now stay chaotic.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    I think the whole alignment system is fundamentally flawed anyway. It's meant to be a guideline for playing your character in pen and paper. In the Infinity Engine games, it's just fluff. It's underutilized, and where it is taken into account, it doesn't work very well.

    Nine Hells or Friendly Arm Inn, if you do one evil deed and good deeds the rest of the time, you're not evil. The really silly part is that it doesn't even matter because you can play good or evil afterwards with no change to your alignment. You can pick lawful good and go through the game stealing and murdering at random, but if you pick the right options at the trials, you are still lawful good. I don't think there's really any good defense except that the system is very underdeveloped.
  • LordofBonesLordofBones Member Posts: 22
    The whole thing is a bit strange though; why are they called Hell Trials and why is Bhaal's realm located in the Abyss in the Baldur's Gate series, when Bhaal himself never lived anywhere near the Nine Hells or the Abyss?

    His divine realm was located on Khalas, first layer of Gehenna.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    Yeah, this is a plane infused with evil and it's trying to take over your soul. These aren't just hypothetical questions, they're representations of all the different ways it's trying to worm its way into you. If you show even one crack in your defenses - bam!
  • Not to mention it's the only part of the game where Bhaal's "influence" feels like it even has a little bit of impact on you apart from glowering at you in your dreams.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    Those are good arguments, but I still wish they could have showed it some other way. I guess it's probably taboo to mention a game like Dragon Age here but anyway I felt they got it right with the moral choices there. There's no alignment, no morality meter. There's just what you did and what people who know about it think about your actions.

    Of course, when it comes to something like a paladin, we'll have to assume that his deity knows what he's doing and he's still going to fall even if nobody sees him murdering someone.

    Not that the Enhanced Edition should have changed all that of course, I'm just saying there are good alternatives to the alignment system.

    PS: Why can evil characters cast Protection From Evil on themselves? Does that then mean they'll have a harder time hitting themselves? What happens if you cast Continual Light inside someone's eyes? Etc.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    What @Blackhawk wrote was quite thorough, and even though I'm on the opposite side of this argument, I have to say that you almost convinced me. But even if the evil energy in Hell amplifies how your decisions affect you, it could just take your alignment down by one notch. Meaning thet as a character with Good character you would only become Neutral after one evil choice.
  • AyiekieAyiekie Member Posts: 975
    It's BS because taking any non-good choice (some of which aren't particularly evil) basically means you're being mind-controlled for the rest of the game (including all of ToB), and nothing in the game text supports that.

    If you don't become evil for becoming the Slayer, then there is no reason the trials should be able to turn you permanently evil.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    I think it's less BS than one good choice turning a downright evil character good. Some of those evil options are pretty dang evil. Like, oh I don't know, letting one of your friends get tortured and killed so you can walk through some doors without penalty. Even if you can resurrect them afterwards... It's painful to watch.

    But then again, if an evil character's more than willing to watch said friend get tortured, kill Sarevok a second time, kill a white dragon, but refuses to wear a cloak made from nymph skin, how does that magically make him good? How does deciding to not wear a piece of gross clothing suddenly outweigh the many awful, horrendous acts that he's done in the past?

    They say it's easier to fall from Heaven than to climb back up.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    edited December 2013
    Self-sacrifice makes as little sense for an evil character as murder and betrayal for a good one.

    The Hell trials make sense within the alignment system, but the alignment system only accounts for black and white and even then it demands consistent roleplaying in order to work.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632

    kill Sarevok a second time

    Speaking of which, I really dislike that you have to resurrect Sarevok at the start of ToB. I mean, I killed him twice already at the end of both games and spent half of SoA trying to put my soul back together. There's no way I'm handing over a part of my soul, to him of all people, just because he asked nicely.
  • He didn't ask nicely, he blackmailed you by having knowledge you needed to gain the ability to leave the pocket plane.

    You could have just sat in your pocket plane forever. You chose to resurrect him to avoid that fate.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    That's just plot railroading though, there's not really any good reason charbame shouldn't be able to access the first challenge on the plane he made himself.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    Wait, I still haven't reached Hell in BG2EE (I had a lot to do in the last weeks), but making a Good choice with an Evil character no turns you Good? Or am I misunderstanding something in the comments?
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