Best time to pay Shadow Thieves/Vampires for help with Imoen?

It's been a good 10 years since I've played BG2 and was wondering what is the best time for starting the rescue Imoen stuff? Only when I'm done with the Amn side quests or can I safely start the Imoen line without missing anything? I seem to recall the cut-off point is when you get on the ship and go down to the fish-people city, then the underdark. IIRC you do go back to the main map, but old sidequests are nullified.
You can still do most quests in chapter 6, although you'll probably find them too easy at this point in the game.
There are usually two criteria I use to decide when to head off after Imoen/Irenicus: 1) Do I have all of the good magic items that are available in chapter 2 that I want to have? and 2) If I plan to use Imoen in my party, how much experience do I have? I seem to remember that if I started chapter 3 around 1 million experience then Imoen would be in the right ballpark once I picked her up.
I like to just clear the world before I ever get on the ship. There's a sense of urgency to capture Irenicus and finish the game at that point. I almost never use Imoen in my party so she can sit tight for a bit.
Doing all of those should net you a *TON* of XP and loot/gold.
On the bright side that means the second half of the game is still relatively "fresh" for me and when combined with my fading memory some places almost seem new!