Party advice please!

im wanting some people in my party but im having trouble to decide who to get rid of and who to keep so first i will list my current party:
CHARNAME: totemic druid with spear focus
Jaheira: working on the romance
Minsc: who is my main melee fighter aside from me and jaheira
Nalia: i need a thief
Neera: who i want to keep for my mage but her main quest is impossible because the game cheats and i killed the wrong person when i wasn't in control of my party, ive given her tons of scrolls and she is pretty much essential plus i LOVE wild magic!!
anomen: who i mainly use for raise dead (Jaheira's doesn't seem to work anymore) and turn undead.
as you can see everyone is pretty vital and i want to add some people:
Keldorn: i heard he is a much better fighter and it seems im beginning to struggle with combat and it seems impossible to get my main characters AC below -1
Mazzy: who i hear is also a monster in combat
depending if keldorn has turn undead (he should as a paladin but i cant remember) i might replace him with anomen, but i need anomen for raise dead on te fly.....arg its frustrating!!
CHARNAME: totemic druid with spear focus
Jaheira: working on the romance
Minsc: who is my main melee fighter aside from me and jaheira
Nalia: i need a thief
Neera: who i want to keep for my mage but her main quest is impossible because the game cheats and i killed the wrong person when i wasn't in control of my party, ive given her tons of scrolls and she is pretty much essential plus i LOVE wild magic!!
anomen: who i mainly use for raise dead (Jaheira's doesn't seem to work anymore) and turn undead.
as you can see everyone is pretty vital and i want to add some people:
Keldorn: i heard he is a much better fighter and it seems im beginning to struggle with combat and it seems impossible to get my main characters AC below -1
Mazzy: who i hear is also a monster in combat
depending if keldorn has turn undead (he should as a paladin but i cant remember) i might replace him with anomen, but i need anomen for raise dead on te fly.....arg its frustrating!!
You have three divine casters which is total overkill seeing as it isn't *that* strong or necessary to have more than one. Both Anomen and Jaheira have their merits but seeing as you're romancing Jaheira stick with her and drop Anomen.
It isn't that hard to lower your AC. E.g. On Jaheira equip a plate mail and a shield and you're at -1 already without doing anything other than the bare basics. Get her the Helm of Balduran, a full plate, a magic shield and a protection item and your AC will be much lower. Have her cast Ironskins and she'll be a great tank.
There's nothing wrong with Minsc. His high strength means you can give your first strength boosting item to someone else (Jaheira, Mazzy and Keldorn all really demand one). Of all the single classed warriors, Keldorn is probably the worst in a straight up fight but has two great abilities which make mages a lot easier. Seeing as Mazzy starts of speced for ranged fighting, she won't be better than Minsc until midway through the game at least in melee. Very late in the game Minsc will better at tanking and Mazzy at dealing damage.
Inquisitors lose turn undead so Keldorn doesn't have it. A Paladin also turn undead at a lower level than clerics.
I definitely support dropping Minsc for either of the two you mentioned though. I swapped him for Mazzy in my game and it was well worth it.
and as for combat all my characters seem to be getting hit constantly. ill list everything equipped (which isnt much as im just finding mainly magic weapons which could be the problem)
Charname (-1)
Helmet of balduran
bracers of AC 3
ring of earth control
hide armour
spear +2
ring of fire resist
Jaheira: (-4)
Fullplate +1
large shield
helm of infravision
Minsc: (-1)
delvers plate +2
Sword of chaos +2
two handed sword +2
Neera (3)
after losing her stuff from dying it apparently got deleted as i wasnt able to recover it:
robe of invocation:
Q staff +2
bracers of AC6
Nalia: (3)
the protector +1
her signet ring
anomen: (-1)
full plate
his shield.
jaheria never walks away from a fight with more than 50% of her HP unless its against animals or something and nothing i buy affects anyone's AC it seems. seeing as for some reason im no good at long drawn out fights its the reason why i have 3 healers, i figure if i can get a good damage stick i can hopefully end fights before they get too painful
edit: @nano druids dont get that much in the way of ranged weapons and my spells are mostly healing and buffs so he has nothing to do but summon and flank but because he has to stand 3 inches from someone to talk to them he often gets targeted and ganked by everyone unless i make him run away or reload and metagame by making mass summons and buffs, but in all honesty he has nothing else to do except go into combat to try and keep the heat of minsc and jaheira, or to engage someone going after neera or nalia
I would stack all my best equipment on one guy. Like have Minsc dual wield and give him the Helm of Balduran and full plate. Are you making use of debuff spells? Even a Slow from Neera can turn things around early on.
You can make a tankier person your party leader so your charname doesn't end up in the front all the time.
Your main char is a druid? That's great. Druids have some amazing spells. Memorize insect plague, both versions, some conjuration spells to get some meat shields and iron skin, which is a great defensive buff.
What quests did you do already? If you quest for a bit you will find some item upgrades. It's a slow process, but will improve your team steadily.
A weapon from Windspear Hills + Keldorn + Dex Gauntlets + Strength Belt = The meanest, leanest, most effective melee killing machine any npc will ever be for you. In terms of newbie friendlyness and easy to use melee; Keldorn is unrivaled, down right in a league of his own.
In fact, this combination makes him far superior to almost any type of Charname as well.
Oh and he just so happens to be the most pleasant travel companion there is.. everybody needs a good, clean and wholesome father figure xD
Umar Hills, In a big quest heavily tied to this area you will find something you can bring to a dwarf in the Docks district that will serve as very good protection for you, for a long, long time.
Jaheira: Give her iron skins to help with survivability.
Minsc vs Keldorn/Mazzy. If you're not married to him for RP/Banter/humor reasons Minsc is, IMO, one of the more lackluster frontliners in BG2. He's serviceable and to be honest I usually include him for the RP/Banter reasons but vanilla ranger just has very little going for it. In BG1 his STR (and lack of STR enhancing items for NPC's) kept him ahead of other people but with the plentiful amount of STR belts in BG you can basically take a better kit/class and give them the same stats Minsc would have.
Your party as is looks pretty good though honestly.
replace anomen with keldorn, or turn anomen into a self buff frontline fighter
going on other thread aswell:
replace nalia with Jan
keep the party as it is and just be better at playing the game XD
ive said this again but thank you for the help ill play around and see what works
Myself, because I like Hexxat, I had to install a mod with another paladin so I could keep it
I don't like Jan though.. nor Nalia for that matter haha. In fact I can't stand either one and often find myself forced to play a Thief-combo Charname because of it. I guess it's silly of me, but that's really the case for me.
I'd say having both jaheria and anomen is okay, but not needed. if all u need is raise dead, just plan your fights better or buy scrolls/find the rods.
Keldorn is an AMAZING guy. he just needs some equipment. no one in the game wrecks mages harder than keldorn.
Id take Jan over nalia for sure. Also Mazzy is great. get the bow from the slavers in the copper cornet and she is amazing! (bring lots of ammo)
My current party is similar to this, it's going great. Generally I like 2-3 fronliners, 1 divine caster and 2 arcane.
Charname - M/C muticlass
Id say you should go
Aerie (if u really need the romance, dual druid is kinda bleh - Aerie might be better than jaheria and has raise dead)