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Changing Viconia alignment

I heard you can change her alignment. Is it only possible for a male who romancing her, or my priestess of Helm can do it too? She considers Viconia a friend, but thinks she's too merciless sometimes.


  • XukuthXukuth Member Posts: 78
    It is only possible for a romance partner, and doesn't happen until ToB.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    It's also (imo anyway) not the fun way of doing things. Viconia is much more amusing as a heartless bitch :D

    Although.. she does become a much better cleric if alignment changes.
    Unless it was a mod i had a decade ago that swapped her evil cleric spells for neutral/good ones..
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    Khyron said:

    It's also (imo anyway) not the fun way of doing things. Viconia is much more amusing as a heartless bitch :D

    Although.. she does become a much better cleric if alignment changes.
    Unless it was a mod i had a decade ago that swapped her evil cleric spells for neutral/good ones..

    Spells/alignment was never properly implemented for npcs in the original, so I believe it was.
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