Very bad lag sometimes

It doesn't take much to send a battle into ultra slow mode. If I rush out of view of the battle, the lag stops, every time. But as soon as I am above the battle, the lag is back. It's worst with a lot of radius spells like fire ball and cloud spell animations. But also if there is just a lot on the screen, it lags all the time. Is there anything I can do to tweek the frame rate? Turn off 3-d annotations? Is there a way to get BGII:EE Config? Patch? Anything?
Using a Radeon HD 5770 on an AMD Athlon II x3 435 (~2.91 GHz).
Ive noticed this happens consistently - looking at window's resource monitor - BG seems to be writing to disk - a large flush and for a couple of seconds - this seems to be causing the game to "Freeze" - noticing this exact behaviour in BG2 as well!! Its not the autosave - not sure what BG is writing thats causing this!! ITs quite annoying
Go to your resolution settings for your monitor and change it to 800x600. Yes, the graphics aren't the best but now the game works great. So, if running Windows VISTA, right click on desktop, choose personalize, click on display settings, slide the resolution all the way to the left. Last but not least, right click on your BG2.exe file and click on compatibility and then choose to run in windows 98/me mode. Now i am playing the game with zero lag. Hope this is some help. I will spread this around to the other posts