Tell Us What The Blackguard Does Already!

As the title suggests, this game is less than two months away and we still have no idea what the Blackguard actually does. I hate not knowing mechanical info. MMOs that never release full talent tree info or calculators, CRPGs that never explain how much this perk/feat/talent improves your weapon damage until the game is in my hands, etc. That sort of thing drives me up a wall!
Please, Overhaul, show us the Blackguard so we can give you our feedback in time to actually change anything that might be silly.
Please, Overhaul, show us the Blackguard so we can give you our feedback in time to actually change anything that might be silly.
The question is, do they get a +2 to blackguarding? If so, does it come at a cost of -1 to notblackguard?
I wanna know his abilities as well, but mostly i want to know if he can dual or multiclass.
The apparently also can gain a fiendish servant.
My last playthrough of BG was as an evil cleric. So I am wondering if the experience would be much more different as a blackguard...
Trent said that this Blackguard is their own creation O_o
PC : "So Dorn... What are you exactly?"
Dorn : "I'm a blackguard... a guard of black things..."
PC : "Like chocolate cookies?"
Dorn : "Those are brown..."
PC : "But they are dark... Isn't that good enough?"
Dorn : "What is your point PC?"
PC : "Do you have oil?"
Dorn : "You mean grease? No, I can't cast mage spells. I am a blackguard."
PC : "But Grease Oil is black...?"
Dorn : "Yes..."
PC : "So you guard Grease Oil?"
Dorn : "My hair are black..."
PC : "Yes!"
Dorn : "Do I guard them?"
PC : "Do you want to be bald?"
Dorn : "Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't just lack hair, but also a head. You, on the other hand, lack brains..."
Possibly switching the PC with Minsc, but add more Boo.
In D&D, Blackguards are warriors that champion dark gods or notoriously "evil" ideas. It doesn't seem that likely, since the 3.5 prestige class is meant to mirror the Paladin of 3.5, and his powers reflect that, powers that the 2E Paladin does not have an analogue to. I'm hoping that, if they base the BGEE Blackguard on any edition, it'll be 4th, where it has a power called Dread Smite that deals cold and necrotic damage over time, and is not limited to affecting Good enemies. After all, how many Good enemies are there in BG1?
Since there isn't a necrotic damage type in 2E, it could deal acid and cold, at a rate of 1 each every second for 12 seconds. Save for half duration.
That, or, Blackguards could just naturally have a +1 to damage rolls as cold at 1st, and later, like 5th or 6th, perhaps, get a +1 to damage rolls as acid. That'd be neat.
I still don't think it's a paladin. I have a feeling it's a fighter kit but whatever, let's just find out eventually what he's capable of.
A succubus would be awesome. I hated when my lovely succubus became a useless vrock at epic levels in NWN: Hordes of the Underdark.