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Which PC for BG2EE?

I'm trying to decide which of the following PCs to use for BG2EE. (All of them have finished BGEE.)

1. Avenger. Half-Elf. Neutral.
2. Dragon Disciple. Half-Elf. Lawful Neutral.
3. Blade. Half-Elf. Neutral.
4. Swashbuckler>Mage (dual-class). Human. Chaotic Good.

Regarding 1. I really like the Avenger class in BGEE. I've never played a druid all the way through BG2 before. Plus, he had both Neera and Rasaad in his BGEE party, both of whom I'd like to have in my BG2EE party (including romancing Neera). So there is some good continuity with this PC. However, my enthusiasm for the Avenger was dampened slightly by the realization that he can be stuck in Webs whilst in sword spider form in BG2EE (whereas in BGEE, one of his main tactics was to cast a few Webs, shapeshift, and hack apart his helpless enemies). But perhaps this 'bug' is a minor thing?

Regarding 2. I like the mage stronghold quest. I think that I prefer mages over sorcerers/DDs, but it was an interesting change of pace, and I've never played a sorcerer all the way through BG2 before. Of the new NPCs, this PC only had Dorn in his party for the long haul in BGEE (Neera was killed during her quest!), so there is a bit of a continuity problem, given that I'd really like to include Neera and Rasaad in my BG2EE party (and am less keen on Dorn).

Regarding 3. I like blades a lot, and this character was fun to play. However, I've played blades recently before in BG2 (original version), so the stronghold quest is familiar (even though it's awesome), as is the class. Still, the blade is one my favourite classes...

Regarding 4. This was the first PC with whom I completed BG2EE. He had both Neera and Rasaad (the earlier useless monk version!) in his party till the end, so there would be continuity with those NPCs. The main downside is that I played this game on my iPad, so I'd have to 'reconstruct' the character using EEKeeper, as I now prefer to play on my iMac.

Thoughts? Advice?


  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Perhaps I'll just roll 1d4...
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2013
    The mighty d4 has spoken, and I'm going with # 4, the swashbuckler/mage. It seems fitting that my first complete run through BG2EE should be with the first PC to make it through BGEE.

    (And apologies for this rather self-indulgent thread… *sigh*)
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