*SPOILER* Red Wizard Enclave

I've recently been doing Neera's questline in SoA, which has some rather annoying fights. Note, I'm running a "good" party so I wasn't into slaughtering everything on sight. The first fight against the Merchants was ok as long as you didn't hit the Gul Dhukeem guy or w/e he was called with an AOE (which I didn't use at all in the enclave), and seeing as he is only 1 person it gets a lot easier to micromanage. The next fight after having gotten the mercenaries drunk was a different story however, as there are so many enemy mages, and they looooove casting confusion/chaos all over. This lead to some pretty random encounters, where sometimes everything turned hostile towards my party mid-fight as one of my confused party members would hit one of the mercenaries, or even worse, Mironda (I think she is called, the dwarven wild-mage bartender). Don't get me wrong, I liked the quest, the atmosphere and the likes, but I just found the execution to be a bit off/frustrating. I don't mind a hard fight, and if I was to kill everything in there I would've taken another approach. It is probably, at least in part, due to the fact that I've been playing with SCS leading to the mages utilizing their spells wiser and it really is hard to prevent reliably. Doing it the "good" way without killing everything is not something I would recommend for a no-reload playthrough at least.
This turned out longer than I had hoped, my real question is, was this effect intended? I know for sure that next time I'm going to do that quest, it will be with the intent of killing everything inside (barring Gul).
This turned out longer than I had hoped, my real question is, was this effect intended? I know for sure that next time I'm going to do that quest, it will be with the intent of killing everything inside (barring Gul).
Out of curiosity. I actually dumped Neera for ages before I finished that quest, and when I picked her up again she had an extra bit of dialogue that 'it was probably too late anyway' and
In my game, I just let them fight the wizards until they all died, then came to finish the job
Ah good to know, thanks for the feedback. There shouldn't be a significant risk of any first-timers using SCS for their first play-through, and those people were my biggest concern regarding this quest. I am patient when it comes to games, and I can handle frustrating things most others would rage at
Terribly sorry if I make the quotes too long, my eyes are a bit tired so I couldn't really find the energy to separate the individual quotes
EDIT: And mustn't forget the damn lightnings! Those mages have at least three of them... each one...
When I try to speak to Gul Dhukeem and ask about seeing the "slaves" there is a cut-scene about entering the 2nd room and getting recognised and thus everyone gets hostile.
Ah.. and don't forget to have some True Sight (or similar) spells ready!
After I beat the first room without killing Gul Dukeem I picked up a key that was on one of the mages and walked into the next room. I replied that I was there on Red Wizard business which was the truth in a way. When they asked where the Red Wizard was I said he was busy but I could get him and I was told not to worry about it. At that point I was free to look around. I bought three rounds of brew and got them all drunk and a fight broke out. I then walked into the hallway above the room and watched the fight from safety. When the fight was over, everyone was dead. Not a single person was left standing. I was surprised to see that. Of course that means that I got all the spoils of war from both parties without having to fight anything.
The last fight with the mages in the final room was really tough for me. My mages were running out of spells at that point but I didn't want to leave and come back later, it always seemed kind of cheezy to me. I had to use some scrolls that I didn't have memorized just to pull through that last fight. I noticed that I can't buy from Gul Dukeem because Neera won't let me. She wanted to kill him really bad.
One thing I was wandering about is if you buy all the wands from the merchant and then kill him in that big fight will you get all of your money back? If so that would be an easy way to get a bunch of wands and potions for free. I didn't think of it until I had wasted them all but I may try it next time.
I wish I could enter the building with Edwin after the quest was over. I have to leave him outside just to speak to Gul and do some shopping XD