Offhand Weapon Bonuses and Backstab
Member Posts: 106
First, do weapons like the equalizer and foebane still provide their bonus damage to the mainhand weapon if wielded in the offhand? Second, am I correct in assuming these bonuses would be multiplied by backstab?
2. Yes, straight bonuses (e.g. +3, +4) are multiplied by backstab. Additional dice for damage (e.g. +1d6 fire damage) is not.
I think this is the wrong forum for this question, which may be why you hadn't received an answer.
In vanilla BG2 the equalizer applied its bonuses to your main hand weapon- now it does not appear to. I'd never tried it myself, but I had had heard the foebane's damage vs. outsiders or whatever it is did as well. It's good that they fixed bugs, but it does make the equalizer lose one of its only real uses (and even that was questionable compared to a speed weapon).