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Black pits 2 gifts *Spoilers*

OK so, im playing bp2 and im always using the option dialog to : ask for more stuff
so far ive had

CLoack of sewers
Amulet of power
Silver sword *after githyanki fight

Last battle was with wizard and 3 elementals, but no gift. I thought it was charisma based, but my pc is a bard with 21 cha +2 blade of roses +1 from boots +1 from hat = 25 cha... why am i not getting a gift?

Have you gotten different gifts?

Also, i really like the plot so far for black pits 2.


  • Cowled_wizardCowled_wizard Member Posts: 119
    forgot, also clock of balduran
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    It seems to be random. I always ask for stuff too. I'd have to load to look at the item names, but among other things, I got - a club with bleeding damage, a halberd, a leather armor with elemental resistance (?)... none of the items you list. I also repeated some lower tier fights; for 2 I got a gift again (for 2nd or 3rd fight, the leather armor) and for the rest nothing. Same party/charisma and all, obviously, so I don't think it has anything to do with rep/charisma and is just random. I assume the first time, it's just way more likely you get something, not guaranteed; and there is still a lower chance to get something if you repeat a fight.
  • JonelethIrenicusJonelethIrenicus Member Posts: 157
    From whom do you ask for gifts
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Thanks Affinity that's really helpful. Any ideas on what causes you to get an item? As others have noted it doesn't seem to be charisma based. I've done some battles multiple times and received nothing.
  • AffinityAffinity Member Posts: 5
    Its random, and it looks like your hero/villain score affects it (how many times you act like a hero or villain).
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    It could be a reaction check. Even at 25 CHA, you could roll a 1 and fail a check. Or it could be random.
  • Cowled_wizardCowled_wizard Member Posts: 119
    so cha affects yes or no?
  • GiladGilad Member Posts: 38
    Did anyone find Ravager +6 in their inventory after tier 4, battle 3? I did the first time I played the game, but I do not remember if I asked for an item or not. The second time I asked for an item and obtained the foebane.
  • StanStan Member Posts: 15
    I finished TBP2 and still wondering why these items are for? :
    ornate dagger, mirror shard, Solar feathers, the Winged's gauntlet, enforcer bracer, Kazrah's shield. There is no use of them..
  • FlowFlow Member Posts: 21
    The mirror shard can be used in a side quest.
    The mage by the temple prepares a transformation spell on it. I did not finish the quest yet.
  • StanStan Member Posts: 15
    Flow said:

    The mirror shard can be used in a side quest.

    The mage by the temple prepares a transformation spell on it. I did not finish the quest yet.
    T4i, however where should I go to start that quest?
  • NachtiNachti Member Posts: 89
    talk to the drow mage about the other mages mind.
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    no robe of vecna? =(
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    kensai said:

    no robe of vecna? =(

    The Robe of Vecna is for sale at the Mind Flayer vendor after the second to last (or last, don't remember exactly) battle, go buy it...
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited December 2013
    this stuff is interesting, can a moderator come to clarify these issues (with spoiler box of course, i don't mind but some people could like to discover for themself how this work)? @DavidW?

    Edit: or a modder confirm those codes and relations between villian acts item request and prizes?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I didn't realized this, nice reason to start the Black Pits 2 again!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited December 2013

    forgot, also clock of balduran

    25% resistance to time itself 0.o
  • FredBFredB Member Posts: 11
    Anyboby else got the amulet of Lathander after battle 2 or 3?
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2014
    Clerics get their holy symbol as a class ability, not BP specific.
    Post edited by Skaffen on
  • ameliabogginsameliaboggins Member Posts: 287
    hero/villain score affects it


    whats that?
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
  • ameliabogginsameliaboggins Member Posts: 287
    edited August 2016
    hmmm k
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    edited February 2022
    Thread Resurrection Time!

    The Ornate Dagger +2 , Enforcer Bracers and Kazrah's Shield +4 are not Quest items, but are useful magical items e.g. in combat, and are all unique to Black Pits 2. Probably the most useful Black Pits 2 specific item is the Lich Cloak though, for the final battles.

    Question: The Ornate Dagger bears the initials "B.B." but belonged to Brother Ellraish...clearly a pseudonym...but will we ever discover who he really was?

    Incidentally, another powerful Black Pits 2 specific item is the Life Stealer Dagger +4 which can be bought from the Weapon Merchant. Rumour has it it was designed originally to be put in the originally BG2 for Artemis Entreri, but was pulled along with that character.

    As for the other Quest Items:

    Winged Gauntlet: Belongs to the Winged. You can ask several NPCs about the relevance of this, but Timmoth as a follower of Helm gives the best explanation. Owning it in the final battle might make the Winged weaker, but this needs confirmation?
    Solar Feather: Belongs to the Winged. Can be given to Gezzthemin (or whatever his name is) the drow mage who can make a scroll that temporaily makes physical attacks against the Winged easier when used in the final battle.
    Mirror Shard: Belongs to Bannor. Can be given to Dulf Ebonbeard or the Wild Mage (forgot his name) to make a scroll to use against Bannor, if needed, in the final battle (Personally I use the Rod of Smiting with a Fighter/Cleric against him instead)
    Post edited by Dharius on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    If you have the Winged's gauntlet, she doesn't. That's what having it does. She goes from -26 AC vs melee to -21 (base AC -17, 18 Dex), and doesn't have the magic damage fireshield.
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    Good, she’s tough enough without it.
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