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[Known 7311] Azoteth Exit Bug

jpersinnejpersinne Member Posts: 23
edited September 2014 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.2.2030)
Is that name right? I think it's right. I'm referring to the NPC that points the party toward Resurrection Gorge.

Here's what's supposed to happen at the end of her dialogue:

1. Azoteth teleports out.
2. Dorn's patron teleports in.
3. New dialogue ensues.

Here's what happened the first time I encountered her:

1. Azoteth teleports out.
2. ... New Azoteth teleports back in?!
3. ... New Azoteth teleports out.
4. ... New New Azoteth teleports in?!
5. Ad adfinitum.

I had to force kill the game to exit an infinite spawn/despawn loop and then reload. It worked just fine the second time.

Alas, I do not have a save prior to the event.

EDIT: Seems to be the same bug as this one:
Post edited by Gate70 on
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