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According to the number that appears in my options, I'm running an unpatched version of the game, but... I can't seem to find anywhere the patch. I don't have the option to patch it via the Beamdog Launcher, nor do I have the option to patch when I open the game.
Any suggestions? Have anyone had this problem before?



  • BackstabBackstab Member Posts: 12
    Well, what you can do is tap the little box (well hidden) right of the Play button in the standalone launcher and "Repair install". Presuming the launcher isn't being blocked by a firewall this should (it's its purpose after all) update your game to whatever the latest version is. If that doesn't work then maybe the patch is applied and merely isn't showing, though unlikely. I've heard some talk about the game failing to patch these past couple of days, so it might be an issue on the host's side (Beamdog?), or something else best rectified by the devs. Try the repair option though, and if that doesn't work just reinstall. Before you reinstall you might want to verify it's actually an unpatched version and not just conveying faulty information. Look up the patch thread in 'News' and try to recreate a bug. No use straining your connection for a non-issue.
  • TsideshowTsideshow Member Posts: 7
    Hey Backstab... I can't find this well hidden button you've mentioned... Is it possible for you to print screen it? I'm not even sure I'm using a "standalone launcher" ^^"

    Thank you :)
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    @Backstab you've been summoned.
  • BackstabBackstab Member Posts: 12
    Cheers, though for a moment I thought whenever someone mentions backstabs in a patch I'd get a heads up. Oh well.

    Here you go. The standalone launcher (presuming you bought the game via Beamdog) can be found here:
    Log in with your Beamdog account and a button called "Install now" should appear which lets you download the standalone. If you're using Steam, god help you, then try right clicking the game, go to Properties, and find the button called "Verify integrity of game files" under "Local Files". If you're using the Beamdog download manager client then there should be a similar ability, I seem to have uninstalled that client so I can't help you with the specifics.

    It's also fair to mention that there's a possibility your firewall or anti-virus is blocking your respective means to download, which would stop it from downloading the patch. How it'd let you download the game but not a patch is anyone's guess but stranger things have happened. So if the repair doesn't work I'd momentarily disabled Anti-Virus and\or Firewall and try again. Other than that a clean install should fix it, as the only version available for download is the up-to-date one.

    Simplified TO-DO list because I go overboard with the words:
    1. Repair install with tiny button
    2. If that doesn't work: Reinstall.
    3. If that doesn't work: Disabled anti-virus and firewall and then reinstall\repair
    4. If that doesn't work: Pray for divine intervention and cry.

    Hope that helps.
  • BackstabBackstab Member Posts: 12
    Hm, it just occurred to me that if you aren't using the standalone installer, and then download it and install the game with it there's not a whole lot of reason to repair or reinstall that one. You just downloaded it after all. So yeah, if you're doing that, don't repair. It should be fine.
    Rule of thumb: Just use the standalone, it's the more convenient of the three options.
  • TsideshowTsideshow Member Posts: 7
    Cheers mate - Thank you, installing it now.
    I've been playing the game through the Beamdog client so far... I'll have to see if I can still use my mods and saves or I'll have to redo everything... Wish me luck!!

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