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Can you sell Mask of king Strohm ??

Hello dear fellow BG players.

Im new to the game. I have the mask and completed it's task but now it just stands there in my bag.
All the vendors i visited do not want it. Is there any special merchant that will take the mask for a good price??
Or is it just trash ??


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2013
    Just throw it in a barrel somewhere. Many years after charname is gone someone will find it thinking they've found treasure, only to discover that not a single merchant they talk to will be interested in it. :p

    (Its trash)
  • BlueSorceressBlueSorceress Member Posts: 84
    Like the others said, it has no monetary value, like many other quest-related items, but in my imagination my non-helmet wearing party members (Yoshimo, Rasaad, I'm looking at you, guys) look totally bitchin' in it, so I keep it.
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    edited August 2014
    All helmets and if I remember anything on your head gives crit protection including stones.
  • nosecretnosecret Member Posts: 92
    I do what toshiro and pibaro posted - my characters range from 10-13 when I get it, as that's usually the first or second major dungeon I tackle once free from the chateau; so until something better comes along, my thieves tend to get use out of it.
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