The black pits 2 help *spoilers*

1. What do i do with thsassk's journal?
2. How do i open Joker's room
3. What do i do with Winged's wing and gauntlets
4. How do i open Denneton's library
5. should i kill the cook?
6. I got to the end of the tBP2 and never got the scroll for bannor (should i ask Gerrold "The herald" to make it or w8 for all ingredients and give it to Dulf Ebonbread)
tnx in advance for your help
1. What do i do with thsassk's journal?
2. How do i open Joker's room
3. What do i do with Winged's wing and gauntlets
4. How do i open Denneton's library
5. should i kill the cook?
6. I got to the end of the tBP2 and never got the scroll for bannor (should i ask Gerrold "The herald" to make it or w8 for all ingredients and give it to Dulf Ebonbread)
tnx in advance for your help
1 - it's in inv, useless I think
2- I opened it with my thief w/o problem
3 - no idea, guess I tried everything to use it
4- same as #2
5- if I remember correctly I killed him after all
6- with that scroll only once I had a speech with that mage about it... anyway I finished TBP2 very fast without that scroll or poisoning Joker or whatever else there is... Now just looking to make it done with the previous save games... And btw after one fight on the arena in my char's eq I got halberd +6, that one cutting heads with one hit from TB, odd.
i managed to force some of the doors, but can't do anything with denneton or joker's room
Edit ok managed to force all door open with potion of storm giant str
gonna try hideing that journal in pol pyrruses room
about the cook, i asked because when you kill him you get his journal....
@elferin, there is no fun without having a thief in a party... My thief is a warrior/thief with traps stopping time etc, rly gz char.
This will change... soon.
P.S. guys i got the scroll for body switching from Dulf Ebonbeard but not from wild mage Gerrold so there's that, altough it could have been a bug.
P.P.S. just for kicks, leave the main cook alive and give mushroom poison to joker. It's hilarious.
I really liked the black pits (even black pits 1). i know it's mostly combat and you can't properly prepare (like traps) but it's really fun, and bp2 is awesome. hopefully we'll see more of that. also characters are interesting. I'm just not sure how dying baeloth could have become so much stronger.
does that mean that there's will be no options for taking care of pol phyrrus and Tsassk?
Intended? so it was a bug that i didn't get a scroll the first time from Gerrold?
2) Possibly, or possibly not. You receive the scroll at the very end of game.
If it was Gerrold - he can be found in the first arena fighting some monsters. If he survives the battle, he gives the scroll.
so it was bugged then
7. Where's Najim and how do I get rid of Dormamus as I've read here and elsewhere?
8. What's the effect of having Bellowgulp ask for more from Dennaton?
9. Can I save the brother "monk"?
10. What's the effect of giving the ring to the Illithid merchant other than giving the rune in return?
11. Who's Dennaton and the Mysterious Figure talking about? Who's Azner something? come there's no Beholder match? How the heck did Baeloth become so strong all of a sudden? What then after BP2? Nevermind the last set of questions. Hehe
Double thumbs up for BP2 by the way!
SPOILERS: funguswood; rat poison; Gezzthemin's Poison; Feldrak's Poison; Brother Ellraish's Posion; The Concoctor's Poison
I don't know which one is the best one to use (does anyone know?) but the mysterious drow storyteller you meet seems to think that the Concoctor's one is the best....
2. I opened it without trouble on my Thief, although apparently there's an undetectable and unremovable trap on Joker's door. I couldn't figure out what the trap actually did though, as my level 24 Swashbuckler never failed her save against whatever it was.
3. You can give the Winged's feather to Gezzthemin, who's apparently going to prepare some spell to weaken her. I imagine it'll play a role in the final battle. Timmoth has some interesting things to say about the gauntlet if you show it to him, but there's other use for it that I've come across so far.
4. Unlocked it with my Thief.
5. There appears to be no real consequence for poisoning the cook, and you get 500 gold and some minor loot to boot. (Despite the fact that he's a slave himself and his journal suggests he feels bad over treating his underlings so cruelly, the fact that he keeps on doing it means he's not deserving of sympathy in my eyes. My Paladin judged him and found him wanting. :P)
6. I picked Dulf for the Bannor scroll. I'll update this with more info once I see what actually happens. If somebody could chime in with the differences between Dulf's scroll and Gerrold's, it'd be much appreciated!
7. Najim is trapped in a vase in Dormamus' chamber. After closing the door to his room, I freed Najim, which summoned Dormamus and a fight ensued. However, after 2 rounds Najim cast a spell which trapped Dormamus in the vase instead. I'm not sure if it's actually possible to kill Dormamus short of dealing an unholy amount of damage or using instant death effects (unfortunately, I did not have Wave +4 at this point in time). Remember that due to the Spell Failure effect in the pits, you won't be able to cast any spells in the fight against Dormamus, so it'll be down entirely to your Thieves and Fighters.
8. I haven't seen yet if there's any effect for convincing Bellowgulp to ask for compensation from Dennaton. Anybody else know anything about it?
9. Not up to this point yet.
10. The illithid will sell you his goods at a discount for giving him the ring, as well as giving you the runestone to give to Brother Ellraish.
11. Skipping question 11 as it's been answered above.
12. My new question! Is there any point to acquiring the poison for Joker from all those different sources? The description seems to suggest that using the Concoctor's poison will have the most lethal effect, but is there any real difference between the choices? (Part of me is wondering if there's so many options simply in case the player annoys/kills off a lot of the potential poison makers.)
- I immediately sent my Thief over to swap bodies with Bannor using the Scroll of Spirit Transference (thanks to her Use Any Item HLA). Bannor proclaimed his joy at being able to cast spells again... 2 seconds before he got shot full of arrows by my Elven Archer and pounded into mush by my now golemized Thief. XD
- Meanwhile, I had my Cleric, Paladin and Mage summon up additional help by gating in my own Devas and Planetars to help.
- I activated my Dwarven Berserker's Rage ability and sent him tearing across the battlefield to kill Joker. He was dual-wielding the Axe of the Unyielding +5 as well as Crom Faeyr, sooo... This didn't take him long. (Also, Joker got transformed into a Myconid via her Concoter's poison. I'm curious now what the other poisons would have done. Anybody able to share their experiences if they tried something else?)
- Next round, I sent my Thief and Paladin (who has MR 85 thanks to Carsomyr + Cloak of Balduran + the Amulet of +10 MR) over to occupy Pol Pyrrus and Thassus, while I sent my Devas and Planetar along with my Berserker over to keep the Winged occupied. (I pre-cast Death Ward on my Berserker to keep him safe from the Winged's vorpal sword.) My Archer swaps to the +6 Ravager and pokes at the Winged from behind the wall of meat shields, just to see if she'll get lucky with the vorpal effect.
- My Mage casts Time Stop, then Improved Alacrity. He removes the spell defenses of both Pol Pyrrus and Thassus (2x Pierce Magic+Breach), then casts 3 Horrid Wilting spells right on their location. Once the Time Stop ends, they instantly shrivel to raisins.
- That just left the Winged, and by this time my Cleric has to cast Heal spells on my allies because the Winged is still dealing a ton of damage to them. O.o
- Originally I was just going to let my warriors whittle the Winged down with Greater Whirlwinds, but with a lack of things for my Mage to do, I decided to try tossing out a Spell Sequencer consisting of Lower Resistance, Greater Malison, and Hopelessness. And much to my surprise, the Winged actually failed her save against this! XD So, the last part of the battle was kinda anticlimatic as the Winged just lay there while my warriors hacked her apart. But hey, I'm not complaining!
One last note. Baeloth is seriously going to bring 6 8mil XP epic-level adventurers back to his Black Pits? He's in for a RUDE shock. I still haven't even touched the majority of their HLAs yet! :P
EDIT: I played around with the different poison variables in my save game, and here's my findings regarding the poisons:
- Rat Poison is apparently too weak to affect Joker. She has no special dialogue or effects.
- Gezzthemin's poison makes Joker confused.
- Feldrak's poison slows Joker.
- Ellraish's poison poisons (hah) Joker, inflicting about 6 poison damage per round in rapid 1 damage ticks, essentially stopping her from casting any spells. Her contingencies etc. still get off, of course.
So all in all, I'd say that the Concoctor's poison is by far the most effective choice (and it's free!), since the transformation on Joker also removes all of her buffs, making her an easy target for your warriors/thieves. 2nd best choice would be either Ellraish's or Gezzthemin's poison.