Defeating Korkorran (spoilers)

I've been kicking Korkorran all over his lair for some time now, and he won't die. Presumably this is intended, and I'm supposed to use the Casque of Imprisonment on him, since L doesn't want him dead. But how do I do that? It can't be equipped in any slot, so all I can think of is to drop it on Korkorran's body, which requires him to at least temporarily hit the deck. I've even tried talking to Hexxat, and having Hexxat talk to Korkorran, but those don't work. The casque doesn't show up where you choose an item's power to use, or under special abilities.
The only other thing I can think of is that there's some particular method of attack that will drop him, but I've seen no clues regarding what that might be and have no reason as of now to think this is the case. What am I missing?
The only other thing I can think of is that there's some particular method of attack that will drop him, but I've seen no clues regarding what that might be and have no reason as of now to think this is the case. What am I missing?
Can you upload your save/the autosave from before the battle?
Alright. I'll try to replay it too.
1º Let the dialogue to activate and start the battle.
2º Kill Phreya
3º Pause the game and activate Debug mode.
5º Press CTRL R and left click with the mouse on the lich. (Restored)
6º Unpause the game and let the battle to continue until your characters kill the lich.
That worked for me.
I've been at it for over an hour now. Hexxat starts the dialogue in the cut-scene ("The casque of entrapment didn't work as it should....") over and over, but nothing happens. Any help?
1. Defeated Phreya
2. Defeated the Lich, it won't fall. It stays on it's feet. (Neera entered a dialogue sequence which she couldn't start and kept trying to talk to any NPC or the PC, had to mute the voices)
3. Put Hexxat close to the Lich
4. Restored it "CTRL R"
5. Killed it "CTRL Y"
6. Lich is on the ground and Neera starts her dialogue with PC and Hexxat.
it appears to be a "bug" which triggers if you don't kill the Lich really fast? It has been reported before: