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Woot! Just bought my copy!

georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
I loved this game. Just walking around and listening to the animal sounds or the music in the taverns :) Great stuff! Can't wait!

How does one activate the badge for pre order?


  • Wonderboy2402Wonderboy2402 Member Posts: 121
    It should be activated as a badge after you preorder. It is a BGEE supporter badge. Check your profile and badges.
  • ShogoShogo Member Posts: 31
    I bought the game (preorder) after create my forum account, there's any possibility to get my BGEE Supporter badge now? Because I don't have it :(

    Or maybe anyone to talk with messages to fix this?
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    You need to have your beam dog email account the same as the email account that you used to log into the message boards
  • TazokTazok Member Posts: 34
    It took me about 2 days for it to pop up but it will show up automatically
  • ShogoShogo Member Posts: 31
    As you said I've just received my badge few hours ago. The process last some hours, I didn't knew that isn't automatic, thx! ;)
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