Paper Dolls

We can customize anything when it comes to Charname (colours, sound, appearance, etc). With NPC's, we can only customize clothing colours.
There should be a customizable option to change the paper doll's appearance (not just to anything, but to the class of whatever you are playing.)
For example, if you have a mage, they have the robed look. A dual-class or multi-class mage looks like the standard "fighter" paper doll.
This has always bugged me. I rather like how a mage looks wearing robes/cloaks/ and so forth. I don't want to lose that look when I dual-class or multi-class. Or even if I dual class TO a mage from something else, I should be able to have the mage look.
So shouldn't we have the option to choose the paper doll appearance of our character? Surely this cannot be hard to implement, as it already exists in game. Both Aerie and Nalia have the mage look by default, when they shouldn't. If you put armour on Nalia, she also gets the Thief look. And armour on Aerie, she gets the standard look. They get the best of both worlds. Why does this not work for every NPC and Charname in this fashion?
A something/thief should be able to look like a thief with the hood.
A something/mage should be able to look like a mage with the robe.
This should be a selectable and changeable option, even just at the start of the game for at least Charname if not one else.
There should be a customizable option to change the paper doll's appearance (not just to anything, but to the class of whatever you are playing.)
For example, if you have a mage, they have the robed look. A dual-class or multi-class mage looks like the standard "fighter" paper doll.
This has always bugged me. I rather like how a mage looks wearing robes/cloaks/ and so forth. I don't want to lose that look when I dual-class or multi-class. Or even if I dual class TO a mage from something else, I should be able to have the mage look.
So shouldn't we have the option to choose the paper doll appearance of our character? Surely this cannot be hard to implement, as it already exists in game. Both Aerie and Nalia have the mage look by default, when they shouldn't. If you put armour on Nalia, she also gets the Thief look. And armour on Aerie, she gets the standard look. They get the best of both worlds. Why does this not work for every NPC and Charname in this fashion?
A something/thief should be able to look like a thief with the hood.
A something/mage should be able to look like a mage with the robe.
This should be a selectable and changeable option, even just at the start of the game for at least Charname if not one else.
I will say that this is a slightly more complex change than it looks, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth doing. It just means it probably won't be looked at seriously right away.
@Sylvus_Moonbow, @Lordrumfish and I were interested if they are making some sort of, well, animation, you know, where, well, inventory paper dolls of females in lingerie, because, you see, I made, well, a mod, and, you know, it requires, well, of female characters in lingerie. Also don't take this as, well, as spam, because I am asking it politely and, well, it is a question many people here has.
If it's easier than doing the "choose a paper doll" thing, why not just make it like this: if a thief/mage is wearing a robe, the robes should show. If the thief/mage is wearing armour, the hood should show. A la Nalia. If a mage/cleric or mage/fighter is wearing robes, robes should show. If other armour, then that should show. A fighter/thief, hide armour and under, hood. Chain mail or heavier, fighter.
It already exists with three NPC's. I can't believe it would be that hard to implement.
Take time to answer since I am going to sleep now, but I thought you were talking about creating animations, what involves lots, LOTS of time and, well, lots, LOTS of work, besides almost nobody knows how to do so (and if they know they shut up so 20 thousand guys are asking like me to put Lingerie models into the game).
CrevsDaak is out of town! And not to mention that he is maaaaaaaaaad.
Letting you choose the animation at will is less complicated, but it's not an ideal solution either. In that case you're looking at changing UI screens, which (if you've ever spoken to anyone who's tried to create a new UI layout for these games) is not exactly the simplest of endeavors.
That's not to say either of these things couldn't be done; only that they won't be done right now.
I am talking about every thief/mage being able to look like Nalia, and every mage/cleric/fighter/etc look like Aerie. Whether it be through a clickable selection such as colours, or via just doing it "by default" when the character equips armour/robes (such as in Nalia's/Aerie's case), it doesn't matter.
Regardless, I am satisfied with the answer I've received, and will now move onto other pursuits.
There are 2, actually: one allows you to change animations on demand, and the other does it dynamically.
I'll try to find them for you, as I don't remember the mods' names...
EDIT: Found it. Both are from the 'BG2 Tweak Pack' mod.
Avatar Morphing Script
This script allows you to select whatever PC avatar you wish for your character or any joinable NPC. Assign this script to the character whose avatar you wish to change. To change the avatar return to the game screen, ensure the party AI in on (and the game is not paused) and press 'S'. This will take you to the avatar selection screen. Once the morph is complete re-assign a combat script to the character. Please note that this component can cause slowdowns on older systems.
Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor (Galactygon)
This component will change characters' avatars to a mage if they equip a robe or a fighter/thief/cleric if they equip armor. This allows a thief/mage, for example, to equip a robe and look like as if he is actually wearing one, and then equip a piece of leather armor, and look like a thief. This component will affect all items in the game, including those added by mods.
There, I hope that was what you were looking for @Edwin_Odesseiron
Now, if only I knew how to format text into italics, all would be well :P