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Blackguard stronghold.

I'm a little sad they didn't makea new one for this kit (it's not rly a kit, it feels like a class for it self).
Luckily for me, it's my fav stronghold so it doesn't bother me as much.


  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    The truth about this stronghold is, that it really is the one of my not favorite strongholds in the game.
    I wrote about it, that it was not a good idea to give him this one. It's truly sad.
    I think the good strongholds for me in the game are:


    The reason, why the fighter's is one of the worst is, that is always about money and it's so boring.
    Every time someone comes into my keep and immediately begin to beg for my money.
    And there is not really intresting in the keep for the Blackguard. Well, perhaps the torture chamber in the Keep. He could also start summoning some fiends in the his new keep. And when it will comes to rebellion, these demons could also teach them, what true power and respect is.
  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    I can feel you on the point about money.
    But who doesn't like to vanquish a fersome foe from the land, and become "Lord Charname"! ^^
    the follow up quests are pretty boring.

    For the Blackguard, I was rly hoping for some EVIL malicous quests like Dorns.
  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    Agree. I was pretty angry, when I found out that Dorn is the only one, who have some quests that involve something against order and paladins. That's also the reason, why I don't pick Dorn for my evil party, while I play as a Blackguard. I'm angry and jealous.
    My first gameplay in BGEE party was:

    Me - LE Blackguard - Two handed Swords

    He also has good attributes with 18/00 strength without cheating.
    It was my lucky day, when I rolled such a stats. X)

  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    I also forgot mention, that the game was with this party like traveling with the group of Zombies.
    No dialogues and banters. Damn, I really miss NPC Project. It was real fun with this mod.
  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    no controle+8 involved? ;)

    Real nice and scary picture! Can you upload it? or tell me where I can get one? ^^

    I'm currently working on my own Blackguard. He soloed BGEE and atm in underdark in BG2EE.
    Sling + poison weapon was so broken in BGEE :D.

  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    Yours look good. Here are the portraits that I used for my Blackguard.

    And of course I didn't used cheat console like ctrl+shift+8, It is only active in BG2. :)
    Anyway, best ranged weapon for blackguard with poison weapon ability is Composite Long Bow.
    Sling is weaker than bow. More damage and with the bow +1 attack bonus, I also killed Drizzt.
    With the boots of speed, oil of speed, potion of fire giant strenght and potion of heroism was really easy. Same with Sarevok in Final Battle.
  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    haha nice one with the drizt battle :D. I basicly used the same strat but with a sling and shield.
    I prefered sling cos I could use shield in the first one "AC actualy matters there".

    thx for the pictures bud! May our evil Demi-Gods rain chaos and despair for all eternity!
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