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Dual Class experience

How is this calculated exactly? Say I have 1 million experience total and want to make a Kensai9/Mage?. How many mage levels would I have? My guess is around level 12. Not sure though.


  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I'm not sure what the question is. If you want a dual classed Kensai level 9/mage, you need to get to mage 10 to use both abilities.
  • MeyahiMeyahi Member Posts: 143
    The sum counts towards the xp
  • JackWalrusJackWalrus Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2013
    If I'm not mistaken the xp cap is 8 million, so it would mean you have 7 million experience left. You should look up at the tables in the manual to see how many mage levels you can get.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Depends on how you mean. If you have 1M exp you will be at level 12 as a kensai. You could stop leveling up after level 9 (250k exp) and keep going to 1M if you wanted, but you wouldn't be able to pour the "remaining" 750k experience points into the class you dual to - the new class starts out with 0 exp.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    The xp you currently have is counted ONLY towards your first class. Your new class will ALWAYS start out at 0 xp. So if you dual a Kensai at 1m xp, you will be a lvl 12 Kensai with 1m xp and a lvl 1 Mage with 0 xp. Once you reach lvl 13 with the Mage, you'll be a 12 Kensai with 1m xp and a 13 Mage with 1.125m xp. The first class' experience will never change again, and never count towards the second; all it does count towards, however, is the overall experience cap (8m in ToB). In your case that means you can reach a maximum of 12 Kensai (1m xp) and 28 Mage (7m xp, but needs only 6.75m; 0.25m are wasted with no effect).

    For most effective dualing, you should consider dualing fighters at lvl9 or lvl13, as that maximizes their benefits. Keep in mind though that lvl13 duals face considerable hurdles due to non-linear xp requirements at early levels; it will take a long time to regain the class, for comparatively little gain. My recommendation is lvl9 for fighters.
  • EmptinessEmptiness Member Posts: 238
    A Kensai 9/Mage ? with 1 million xp would have 12 Mage levels, assuming you earned exactly 250,000 xp as a Kensai and then dual-classed to Mage and earned the remaining 750,000 xp.
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